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My eyes caught sight of Miles before he spotted me in the flight departure area. He had phoned me about my father, Lucas Dunbar, being in ICU. His jaw was set and he had a grim look on his face. Even his piercing blue eyes looked troubled.

"Miles!" I screamed his name, waving my hands in the air. Suddenly, a smile appeared on his handsome face as we locked eyes.

"I'm glad we found each other so easily. I was worried, with this huge throng of people. How are you, really?" He peered into my eyes for the answer.

"I've been trying to keep her calm since you called. Is there an update on Lucas?" Logan spoke first, with worried lines across his forehead.

"Skyler just called me, your father is basically in a coma right now. The doctor confirmed that he had a massive stroke. He's in the Critical Care Unit. Nicole is there with June and Mimi. They are waiting for April and Natalie." Miles informed us.

"I'm flying back to Savannah with Nat. I want to be there for my sister. I feel like I'm family too, after meeting everyone. I purchased a ticket for the flight as soon as you called." Logan stated matter-of-factly. He grabbed a hold of my hand and gave it a supportive squeeze.

I have the best brother. He's always been protective of me.

"I'm glad to hear it." Miles patted Logan on the back.

Miles lifted my chin to stare into his unforgettable eyes. "I'm going to be by your side and I'm here for you no matter what." I melted into him. And placed my head on his shoulder, fighting back tears.

Lucas Dunbar is my father. I was truly upset this was all happening. I had my family. But I wanted this man I was falling in love with, to help me navigate my way through this.


We arrived back in Savannah. Miles had his car in the airport parking garage. He drove us straight to the hospital. I was rendered speechless at observing a rare sight. June was in the ICU waiting room, with her long blonde hair loose and flowing down her back.

No french roll or tailored suit. She had on a pair of denim jeans, a t-shirt, denim jacket, and Keds. She looked like a totally different person. She actually looked distraught.

"Natalie," she whimpered my name as she looked at the doorway. She came over and fell into my arms. Everyone in the room was shocked. Including my twin sister, Nicole.

June lifted her head from my shoulder. Her eyes were glued to me, with a sadness and a look of recognition. She unclenched her hand to gently touch my face. "You look so much like Lucas, your father. I'm so sorry for keeping him from Nicole. And not even knowing about you." Tears ran down both of her cheeks, dripping on her denim jacket.

I held her tight and let her empty her emotions. She was in a fragile state, I felt her whole body trembling. I felt bad for this woman, unlike I knew it was possible. She loved her husband, which was very evident. I rubbed her back and started tearing up myself.

"Why don't you come sit down? Have you eaten anything?" I found myself having compassion for my stepmother.

I know she has been reprehensible, but her pain tugged at my heart. I put away my own feelings at a time like this.

Nicole came over to us, bringing June a bottle of spring water. "You need to at least drink some water. Daddy doesn't need you getting dehydrated." June looked up at Nicole with gratitude in her eyes. She took the bottle of water from her hands and took a sip.

Natalie |Beyond Heights|Where stories live. Discover now