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Natalie being in Savannah for two weeks is unfathomable. I'm so used to seeing her soft features on my phone or iPad. After spotting her at the airport, my heart started beating in an unknown rhythm. I hadn't seen her in person in six months. I wrapped my arms around her waist, lifting her off the ground I was so excited. I felt her heart beating as fast as mine.

Her familiar fragrance transported my memory to our first motorcycle ride, dinner, and our first kiss. I placed her gently on the floor and lifted her chin, as she chewed on her lip.

Man, how I had missed this woman.

Her eyes smiled as they landed on me. "I'm so happy to finally see you face to face!" She reached out and touched the side of my unshaven jawline. She bristled as her soft fingers felt my whiskered cheek.

"I didn't know your flight was coming in at 6 a.m. I asked Siri to wake me up. I used my alarm clock as a backup. Nicole wanted to come and I told her no, I'm picking you up. I'm sorry but I had to be selfish." I lifted my gaze into her arresting hazel depths. My stare remained fixed on her captivating face.

"Natalie," I spoke her name in a breathy sigh.

She mirrored me and laid her head on my shoulder. Her arm closed around mine. I put her suitcase in my trunk and opened her car door.

She turned. "Thank you," speaking barely audibly. She pressed her lips to mine, before getting in the car. I leaned in and returned her soft kiss.

I couldn't get this grin off of my face. "I know it's early, but are you up to a carriage ride in Historic Savannah?" I remembered she had wanted to do that when she first came to visit.

"Oh, Miles I would love that. Maybe we could stop and have breakfast first? My stomach is growling." She rotated in her passenger seat to look at me.

Her lips curved into a big smile. I'm glad I could do something for her that she would enjoy. I had to make every moment that we had together count. She was only staying for two weeks.

I grabbed her hand and held it in mine, as I drove toward the nearest diner. "There's a place, right up ahead."

She wasn't kidding. Her stomach was literally sounding angry and pleading for food. She looked at me, like don't you dare laugh. I willed my amusement to be silent at all cost.

We had a Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives breakfast. The food was delectable.

Natalie's phone was pinging with text alerts. I knew it had to be her sister, Nicole. I saw Natalie's thumbs flying across her phone. She was very proficient at texting.

She sat her phone on top of the table. "I'm done. I told my sister that I am spending time with my boyfriend and I will chat with her later." She gave me an adorable wink, as she sipped some coffee from her cup.

I reached over, picking up our food bill off of the table. "I'm glad you informed her of our itinerary. This is our first time together in six months. I already told Nicole that I'm taking you on a date. She'll live for a few hours without you," I chuckled about her twin sister and my sister-in-law.

She didn't take it well. But Nicole agreed, after Natalie squelched any thoughts of interrupting our date.

We meandered towards the horses hand in hand. "Are you excited for your carriage ride?"

"Yes, I always thought they seemed romantic. So I'm glad I'm going with you." A bashful smile clothed her face.

It felt nice just being with her and having her warm hand in mine. Even though it was early, there was already a line forming. "I can't believe so many people are here already."

I booked a private Historic Savannah Romance Tour. They usually schedule this one for after sunset, but I told the tour company that I needed it for this morning. "My girlfriend is visiting for a short time, and this is the only time in our schedule that wasn't booked."

"It won't be as romantic going so early in the morning."

"We're together, I'm sure it will be just fine." She slipped her hand in mine, reassuringly.

Part of today would be spent with her family. Her father, Lucas, is looking forward to her visit.

Natalie has a book signing tomorrow for: Liliana Meets Miles the Adventurer. I am her guest of honor. She is going to introduce me to the children and their parents. They will meet the inspiration for her book character. She and I are both excited to see everyone's reactions.

If all goes well, I'll be booked to go on some of her upcoming tour dates. Evelyn, already recognizes the resemblance. She sits and stares at her book and me simultaneously. Her face glows with an awestruck look.

I scoop her up. "Would you like Uncle Miles to read to you?"

She gets so happy, she knows the story by heart. And exactly when to turn the page. Skyler gets a kick out of the whole thing. Who knew I'd be a book character one day?

I helped Natalie climb into the carriage. She was so eager, clutching her hands together with her eyes wide. She was capturing this moment, as if her eyes were a 35 mm camera. Then she settled, sliding over to make room for me.

Our driver spoke up. "The tour will be 45-50 minutes."

I sat close to Natalie, putting my arm around her shoulders. She snuggled and melted into my side. My pulse quickened. I was looking forward to this carriage ride just as much as her.

It was with my favorite girl.

"Are you going to whisper sweet nothings in my ear? And tell me how much you missed
me?" Natalie teased me. But her face portrayed that there was more truth to her question.

Our horse cantered through the tour route. The grandeur of the beautiful city that we live in is mind blowing. For the first time I actually appreciated living here, with Natalie by my side.

The horse clip clopped along. It's hooves striking the cobblestone streets was such a melodic sound. Oddly enough, it was soothing.

I leaned in and spoke with my lips close to her ear. "I've never missed one person in my entire life, the way I've longed to have you here. Because of you I no longer feel like being an adventurer, unless you're with me. I love you Natalie."

"I love you too, Miles," she barely spoke above a whisper. She stilled.

She was not expecting me to say those three words. I wanted to tell her in person. Tears slid down her face and she was trying to find a tissue. I wiped her tears away and kissed her face tenderly.

We sat for the rest of the tour with our fingers interlaced. Natalie rested her head on my shoulder and we didn't speak another word. Our eyes followed our tour guide's fingers, as he pointed out important landmarks not to be missed.

Our guide swiveled his body in our direction. "You would be surprised how many love stories in Savannah's history started with a carriage ride." He winked with a smile and continued the tour.

Having Natalie in my arms gave me a feeling of exhilaration. I didn't pursue her when I had the chance, more than a year ago. But I'm not willing to let the opportunity pass me by this time.

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