Baby, It's Cold Outside

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Darkstache fluff where Dark and Wil encounter their first snow together since the events of Damien, now that they are living in the Manor together.

Baby It's Cold Outside

Large, fluffy snowflakes drifted towards the grounds of the manor in early December. It was the first snow of the year. It had been snowing all night, and there was a nice, large layer of white covering everything. When Wilford awoke that morning and pulled open the curtains, a huge smile appeared on his face. When Dark noticed it, he had mixed feelings. It was a beautiful sight, and he preferred the cold over the heat, but his past haunted him.

He hadn't seen snow like this since being trapped in that cabin in the woods, when he was known as Damien, and was stuck chopping wood to keep things going. When he bickered with Celine, and his former friend became his worst enemy. It was a time he hated to remember, and yet he had to - it had made him who he was presently. He knew he'd never escape that tough part of his past, especially living with Wilford. Wil knew everything, and still slipped up and called him Damien occasionally. But Wil was also the only person from his past that he still saw, and that still accepted him fully. Dark would be lost without Wilford. So he braced himself as he exited his bedroom that morning and headed to the kitchen, knowing Wil would be excited.

"Good morning!" Wilford chirped as Dark began brewing coffee downstairs.

"Morning. I take it you saw the snow?"

"Yes, it must have snowed all night! I have so many plans for today. Building snowmen, making snow angels, ice skating, hot chocolate..." Wil noticed that Dark wasn't quite as excited about these things as he was and changed his tone. "I mean, you don't have to join me, of course. I'm just saying that those are things that I want to do today."

Dark filled a mug and took a long sip of the bitter, plain black coffee in it. "I'm not going to let you do all of that stuff alone, Wilford. Just forgive me if I'm not as into it as you. This time of year is meant to be joyful, I know. It's just that it brings up bad memories."

"Well, that's exactly why we need to make new memories! So you can forget the old ones and this can be a happy time of year for you. For us!"

So after Dark had finished a couple cups of coffee, they both got bundled up in their coats, scarves, hats, gloves, and boots. The chilly air helped wake them both up as they stepped outside. The snow sparkled in the morning sun, and Dark couldn't help but grin a little at how giddy Wilford was.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Wilford said, scanning the grounds.

"It really is," Dark agreed. "So, what first?"

"First, we're going to make the most incredible snow people that anyone has ever seen. In other words: you and I in snowman form," Wil explained. "Come on, let's get started!"

Dark and Wilford began rolling snow into the bodies and heads for the snowmen, then helped each other stack the pieces. They grabbed sticks for arms, buttons and carrots for the faces, and dressed the snowmen in some of their old clothes that they didn't mind using for decoration on their new creations. It was definitely clear which one was made by which person; Dark's snowman wore all black while Wilford's wore pink.

"You know what's next, right?" Wilford asked, holding his arms behind his back mysteriously.

"No. What?" Dark wondered.

Wilford revealed the snowball from behind his back and whipped it at Dark, yelling, "Snowball fight!" It hit him right in the chest.

"Those are fighting words," Dark warned. Immediately, both men began making snowballs as quickly as they could, throwing them hard at each other. They raced around the yard, hiding behind bushes and benches to take cover and then whipping snow at each other when they had the chance. Their battle was intense, and they kept going until they were both out of breath.

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