The Bite

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The Bite

Full moons don’t happen very often on Halloween. The coincidence of one on the famous holiday only occurs every 15-20 years or so, but I still hoped for one every year. I wasn’t exactly sure why - I guess I just thought it fit the atmosphere and mood. Tonight, I couldn’t even see the moon. It was hidden by a giant clump of thick clouds, so the stars stood out more as I arrived at my friend’s Halloween party. It was a costume party, of course, and I had gone all out with my costume. I was a classic zombie - pale, dirty, bloodstained skin and ripped clothes. I rang the doorbell and the hostess of the party who also happened to be my best girl friend, opened the door.

“Hey!” Molly greeted me. She was dressed as Minnie Mouse, and her boyfriend Wade soon joined her at the door, dressed as Mickey.

“I love your costumes! You guys are adorable!” I gushed. I totally shipped them. I honestly was just waiting for them to get married and have kids - everyone knew it was going to happen someday.

“Aw shucks, thanks,” Wade answered, batting his eyelashes to be funny.

“Come on in, zombie! Please don’t turn any of us, though,” Molly warned. I entered their home, which I had been to many times before, and she shut the door behind me. The party was already really full, and I could see almost every costume imaginable, from sexy, to scary, to cute, to downright gory. I scanned the crowd until I found another zombie and I started walking toward him. The zombie was my other best friend - my male best friend. He had dark hair, brown eyes, and tonight, he lacked his usual glasses. His costume looked a bit like mine - dirty skin with gashes and blood on it, darkness around the eyes, and tattered clothes. 

“Hey Mark,” I smiled.

“Oh, hey. You look…dead,” he chuckled.

“I could say the same thing about you.” Despite our matching costumes, we weren’t a couple. We were just close friends. I wouldn’t mind if we became something more, but that was another story for another day.

Mark and I made our way into the kitchen to grab some punch and a few snacks, all of which were kind of gross looking, yet completely delicious. I had to hand it to Molly and Wade - they did a great job with the food and the decorations. Their house really didn’t feel like their house at all. It felt more like a dungeon, but it was awesome. I absolutely loved Halloween, and I expected nothing less from them for the party.

Throughout the night we all danced, played games, and snacked, of course. I mainly stayed by Mark’s side, but I noticed that his behavior was changing as time passed. He started acting anxious and restless, nervous, even. That wasn’t him at all. Finally, he excused himself, and I knew I had to follow him. Something was definitely going on.

He made his way into the bathroom, but left the door open. He went for the sink and splashed some water on his face.

“Hey, are you alright?” I asked him, really puzzled. He jumped a little.

“Holy shit! This is like jumpscare friends all over again…” he reacted, drying his face with a towel and exiting the bathroom.

“Sorry. It’s just that you’ve been acting kind of strange. I’m worried about you.”

“Don’t be. I’m fine,” he told me, but it was a lie. 

“You’re really pale. Are you sure you’re fine?”

“I’m supposed to be a zombie, of course I’m pale,” he retorted.

“Okay, smartass, you know what I mean. Something’s wrong. Please just tell me what it is! I only want to help. We’ve been best friends for a while now; you should know that I’ll do anything I can to help you.”

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