Master Dark: Part One

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Master Dark (Part One)

"Ella? Come here, please. I have work for you," Master's voice rang through the manor. I let out a deep sigh as I put down the book I was reading and unwillingly got up off of my bed where I had been so cozy. But I couldn't keep him waiting. He didn't like having to wait.

Down the hallway I went until I reached Master Dark's study. He spent most of his time there, gazing out the tall windows to take in the best view in the house, or enjoying a drink while lounging on the sofa, or planning something devious. As I pulled the french doors open, I saw that at the moment, he was leaning against his desk, a drink in hand. I closed the doors behind me; he didn't usually want the maid or butler to hear our business.

"I've been very impressed with you lately, Ella. You've shown quite a bit of dedication to me. Completing tasks in a timely matter, just the way I ask. You've done well, princess."

Princess. He rarely used pet names for me. It was usually just my name, if I was lucky. Servant or slave, if I wasn't quick enough or didn't do something to his liking. But if he was calling me something like princess, he really must be impressed. And he must want something from me, badly.

"Thank you, Master," I replied. I was to call him Master or Master Dark. When anything else slipped out, I knew that meant punishment was coming.

He had never hurt me. Not that badly, at least. Usually my punishment would be no dinner, or I couldn't leave my room, or he'd take something away from me. But once he was so angry that he just slapped me across the face. That left a mark.

And even if he had only laid a hand on me the one time, I didn't dare cross him. I had no doubt that he would really hurt me if he was mad enough. He was unpredictable, impulsive, and absolutely terrifying.

"Why don't you sit down and have a drink with me?" Master Dark offered, putting his own glass down and straightening his dark gray suit. He was always dressed up, a darkness constantly surrounding his eyes. His hair usually fell in his gray face, and while red and blue hues were always bouncing off of his body, sometimes there was more of one or the other, depending on if he was feeling especially triggered or extra calm. For the moment, blue overpowered him, meaning he was feeling content.

"I thought you called me in to give me work..." I puzzled, watching him as he grabbed a glass and began making a drink for me.

"Oh, I did. But as I said, I'm very pleased with you lately and thought you deserved a drink. Plus, you can probably use one before I tell you what your next assignment is."

I had been Dark's "assistant" for several months now. He had found me at a coffee shop one day, alone, and followed me for a while after that. He learned about me and my life: my habits, my interests, my work ethic. I lived by myself and kept to myself for the most part, so I was a safe target. He finally came up to me at a bar after a few weeks of his research and bought me my favorite drink - a rum and Coke. He chatted me up, making me think that he was just some guy interested in a one night stand. But to my surprise, he let me know that he needed someone to work for him, and I was a good fit. He showed me how he wasn't exactly human. He let me know that all I had to do was whatever he asked, and he could give me anything. Money, food, clothes, whatever I asked for. He let me move into his mansion with him, with my own luxurious room and bathroom, and a maid and butler who served me as much as they served him. I got money every week, just for sticking with him and continuing to work for him. And when I did especially well on an assignment he gave me, I got something extra of my choosing - anything I asked for.

Maybe it sounds crazy - a young adult woman leaving behind everything she knows to go live with some stranger who is essentially a dangerous, supernatural sugar daddy. But I didn't really have too many friends anyways, and it wasn't as if Dark didn't allow me to see them. I had a social life. I could come and go as I pleased. I just had to be on call and drop everything if he asked me to. And that didn't seem all that bad to me, when I thought about how blessed I was with my new home and money situation.

The catch was that the "work" Dark gave me was very out of the ordinary. It was dangerous. Illegal. He had me lie and trick people. He made me steal. He got me to follow and stalk people, take pictures and videos without people knowing, hack into things to get access to accounts and information. But he never let me get caught or in trouble. I had his protection. Even so, I was employed as a criminal to do his dirty work. But even if I did want out, I was honestly too scared to try to quit.

"Here you are. Rum and Coke, your favorite. Come join me," Dark invited me, holding my newly mixed drink out to me. I stepped further into the room and took it from him hesitantly. He picked his own drink back up and sat down on the leather loveseat against the wall, patting the cushion next to him to let me know that he wanted me to sit down with him.

While I could roam the mansion as I pleased, Dark's study was one place that was out of the question unless he summoned me there. And in that room, I had only ever sat in one of the stiff chairs opposite his fancy one at his desk. He had never invited me to sit on the loveseat with him. Because of that, I very slowly followed him and took a seat, unsure of where this could be going. He took a sip of his drink, so I took one of mine as well. It was perfectly mixed, with top shelf liquor, of course. Dark liked luxury, and usually got only the finest things since he could afford to thanks to his talent of manipulation.

"How is it?" Dark wondered, watching me as I drank. I felt like he was keeping tabs on my every move, and it felt unsafe, being so close to him.

"It's very good, Master," I assured him with a smile.

"I'm going to ask you to do something much more extreme than anything you've done for me before," he explained, downing the rest of his drink before continuing. "But I can assure you that the reward you'll get will be well worth it." He set down his glass on the ebony end table next to the sofa and picked up the cane that was leaned up against it, holding it firmly in his hands. He liked carrying that thing around and even just holding it, as if it gave him comfort. I feared that one day I'd be hit with it if I made a mistake when he happened to have it on him.

"I know I usually give you one thing of your choosing, or a spending limit on your reward for doing as I ask. But this time, you won't have a limit. If you want your own house, I'll get you one. You could go on a trip wherever you want. I'll get you everything in every store in the largest mall in the world. I'll do whatever you ask. You will be treated like royalty. In fact, if you do this task for me, I don't think I'll need you to do anything for me ever again. You'll be my equal."

Never have to do anything for him again? My interest was definitely piqued. But at the same time, he never had me do good things for him. That could only mean that this assignment was especially horrible.

"Wow, Master. That's so incredibly generous of you!" I told him, drinking a little more. I was getting nervous, and in my mind, the alcohol helped calm my nerves.

"Yes. But I don't think you'll like my request, to be honest. So I just want to remind you how well-off you've been since you've been working for me, and how generous I've been to you," Dark stressed.

"I could never forget everything you've done for me and given me, Master Dark. I greatly appreciate all of it," I promised. "What do you need me to do for you?"

"I need you to kill someone."

Dark said it so matter-of-factly, like it was something as normal as taking out the trash.

"K-kill someone?" I stuttered, my heartbeat accelerating.

"You know the man I've had you follow and get information on?" Dark said, still playing around with that damn cane he loved.

"Mark Fischbach?" I recalled.

"Yes. I need you to kill him for me."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed some good old Darkiplier suspense. Part 2 will be even better :)

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