Beach Bums

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A/N: This is some Wilford and Darkiplier fluff - if you ship Darkstache feel free to imagine that they're a couple in this, but if you want to just imagine them as good friends, that's cool too. I tried to write it so it can go either way. Enjoy :)

Beach Bums

"Do I really have to come with you?" Dark grumbled, frowning in the mirror at his new black swimming trunks and the currently open black button up shirt that he insisted on wearing with them. Wilford had decided that they needed to have a beach day, and as hard as Dark tried, he couldn't seem to get out of it.

"Yes, it's the perfect day for a trip to the beach!" Wil exclaimed, walking into Dark's bedroom wearing an old-fashioned pink and white striped unisuit that had faded from red and white in time. He also had a straw beach hat on his head, covering his pink hair. In his hands, he held a black beach hat for Dark, which he placed on Dark's head to Dark's dismay.

"I don't do hats," Dark grumbled, crossing his arms.

"You do now. They help keep the sun out of your eyes. And besides, they're very fashionable! We stick out like sore thumbs, so I thought you'd want to stay low key and fit in with everyone else," Wilford explained.

"I'm pretty sure people don't even wear swimsuits like yours anymore," Dark retorted.

"Oh. Well, is this better?" When Dark turned to see what Wilford was referring to, he facepalmed in second-hand embarrassment. Wil was now in a bright pink speedo that didn't leave much to the imagination.

"Just stick to the striped one," Dark mumbled, and Will obliged, magically changing his clothes again with a swift turn of his body.

"Whatever you say, Darky. Ready to go?"

"I guess so. I still don't understand why we have to go, though. I don't like the beach."

"You've never even been to the beach! You can't know if you like something or not until you've tried it, and I promise we're going to have a fabulous day! You'll love it," Wil assured him.

"Fine. Let's go." Dark put a pair of simple black sunglasses on and finally gave in.

Wilford picked up a tote full of beach supplies and Dark grabbed the cooler. Then together, they teleported to a somewhat empty part of one of California's most spacious and clean beaches. The water was clear and blue, with large waves crashing against the sandy shore. Seagulls flew and scoured the sand for any scraps that people might have left behind. The sun beamed down harshly, but a cool breeze made the heat much more tolerable. To Wil, it was beautiful and relaxing. To Dark, it was just meh. He didn't really know what to think.

Wilford began laying out their beach towels in the sand near the water and setting up chairs and an umbrella. Dark just took in his surroundings, scoffing at the feeling of the sand between his toes.

"It feels strange," Dark commented, slipping off his sandals to explore the finely ground up rocks further.

"Doesn't it feel nice? It takes time to get used to, but you'll grow to love it," Wil told him. "Try the water, it's warm. I mean, not heated pool warm, like at home, but it's nice. Especially once you've been in it for a bit."

Dark indulged in his requests, slowly making his way to the water and dipping his toes in.

"It's kind of cold," Dark said.

"So's your heart, but I learned to love you just the same," Wil laughed. He expected a dirty look from Dark, but he managed to get a smirk out of him. Wil joined Dark in the water, grabbing a hold of his button up and pulling it off of him.

"Why are you stripping me?" Dark questioned him as Wilford grabbed the hat and sunglasses off of Dark's head and tossed them into the sand along with the shirt and his own hat.

"Because you're going to get really wet," Wil replied. Before Dark could respond, Wil took his hand and pulled him along, running deeper into the ocean.

"Wil, wait! It's cold and I don't want to get soaked!" Dark complained, but he could only really focus on trying not to fall as the tide pushed and pulled the two Egos along.

"Try jumping into the waves and riding them, it's so much fun!" Wil suggested, letting go of his friend and demonstrating with a large wave that was approaching them. Dark could tell how much fun Will was having, but was hesitant to try it himself. But after Wil did it a few more times, Dark decided to join in on the fun. It got to a point where they were counting to 3 and jumping together into the waves, Wil grabbing hold of Dark's hand once again. Dark couldn't hide his smile - he truly was enjoying himself.

"I've got to hand it to you, Wilford, this actually isn't too bad after all," Dark admitted as he noticed Wil looking at him.

"Want to know what else is entertaining to do in the water?" Wilford questioned him with a devious grin.


Wilford dunked Dark, fully submerging him under the water. Dark thrashed around, throwing his fists at Will until he let him up. Once he caught his breath, he returned the favor and pushed Wil underwater, reluctant to let him back up to the surface. They kept at it, pushing each other around and wildly splashing each other until they were laughing uncontrollably and breathing heavily. They were totally soaked, their hair sticking to their faces and goosebumps rising on their little bits of skin that were exposed to the air and the breeze.

"I think I need a break," Dark realized.

"Me too. And a drink! Let's head back to the sand."

Wilford had Dark's hand again as he led him back to their chairs. Wil fixed himself a pink drink with a flowery umbrella and Dark poured himself some sweet red wine. They watched the waves and the birds together, enjoying their drinks and the amazing weather. The sensation of the sand between his toes wasn't quite so strange to Dark anymore; in fact, he was starting to like it. And he had certainly enjoyed playing in the water, even if it wasn't something he'd normally do.

Once the sun had dried their skin, Wilford went for a walk towards the concessions in search of ice cream, and Dark stayed behind, watching their stuff. Wilford returned with two ice cream cones in hand; strawberry for himself and chocolate for Dark. The sweet treats were perfect for a warm beach day and helped keep them cool now that they were out of the water.

"Ready to get buried?" Wil inquired, receiving a puzzled look from Dark in return.


"Yeah, in the sand. Everyone should be buried in the sand at least once in their life!" he clarified.

"I don't know, Wil..." Dark argued, but he didn't struggle when Wilford pulled him to his feet and over to an empty space in the sand that would be perfect for burying someone in it.

"We have to dig a hole first, for you to lay in. Then I'll cover you," Wil told him. Together they dug in the sand until they had a sizable hole. Dark lowered himself into it hesitantly and Wil made a sand pillow for Dark to rest his head and relax. Then he covered Dark with his sand from the tips of his toes to the top of his neck just under his chin.

"Alright, you buried me. I'm getting up now," Dark decided, putting on a grumpy face.

"No, no, no, wait a minute! I have to get a picture of you. Smile!"

Dark pouted as Wilford snapped photos of him from several different angles, and then a couple selfies. Before he was completely finished with his photo shoot, Dark wriggled his way out of his sand coffin. Wilford insisted that Dark bury him too, so they started the process over again, and Dark unwillingly took photos of Wil, too. They headed back out to the water to wash off the sand, and they broke out into another full-out war, splashing each other and giggling like idiots. The water was obviously Dark's favorite part of the beach - Wil hadn't heard him laugh so hard or seen him smile so much in a long time.

The two of them had some more drinks, took some more photos (most of which included an annoyed looking Dark with his arms crossed), and stayed long enough to watch the sunset together. It wasn't until the sun had disappeared completely that they gathered up all of their things and teleported back home to shower away the leftover sand clinging to them, change into dry clothes, and fall asleep, exhausted from the sun.

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