Prison Presents

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A/N: This is a NSFW female reader self insert about Yancy. Enjoy ;)

Prison Presents

You always imagined that holidays must be so tough for inmates in prison, but until recently, you had never actually experienced one as a prisoner. Your first holiday spent in prison was Thanksgiving, and honestly, Happy Trails had a pretty decent celebration. The food was actually very good. The prison didn't serve alcohol, but Shithole Hank shared some hooch that he had been working on with you and some of his other friends. The guards weren't as strict or mean, and you got extra free time. And according to your fellow inmates, Happy Trails went hard for Christmas. So your excitement grew as the holiday crept closer, despite the fact that you couldn't be home for it. And sure enough, when the time arrived, it was pretty impressive for prison.

The festivities started on Christmas Eve. They began with the holiday talent show, which you were pumped for. Your boyfriend, Yancy, was performing. He had been practicing his performance for a month, and you knew he'd be great. He sounded awesome with the rest of the band, and he was a natural on stage. Things were too hectic for you to sneak him a good luck kiss beforehand, so you shuffled your way to an empty seat in the "auditorium"' area of the prison next to some familiar faces from your unit and waited for the show to begin.

It was a long wait for Yancy's spot - he was closing out the show. You saw several acts before his, including some stand up comedy, poetry, dancing, and painting. There were some other singers as well, but they honestly couldn't compare to Yancy's overall act.

"Alrighty everyone. To close out our show, please welcome to the stage Yancy and the Ho Ho Ho's!" the warden announced into the microphone. He began to clap, and so did the crowd as Yancy and the band playing for him came onto the stage. Yancy wore his usual t shirt and cuffed striped pants, but tonight he had spruced up his look with a Santa hat and red jacket, and the band was dressed as reindeer with antlers and red noses.

"How's everybody doing tonight?" Yancy asked, picking the microphone up off of its stand. Lots of people cheered, and you made sure to let out an enthusiastic, "Woo!"

"Fantastic! I hope youse are all ready to rock, because we're closing it out with an awesome tune called 'Run, Run, Rudolph'. Ho Ho Ho's, let's go!"

The band came to life, slamming keys and blasting notes, and Yancy immediately got into his performance, absolutely belting out the lyrics.

Out of all the reindeer

You know you're the mastermind

Run run Rudolph

Randolph's not too far behind

Run run Rudolph

Santa's got to make it to town

Randolph he can hurry

He can take the freeway down

And away went Rudolph

Whizzin' like a merry go round

He rocked the stage, constantly moving around and grooving with the instrumentals. He found you in the crowd and winked at you as he sang, and you were on your feet in the audience, dancing. Everyone was!

Said Santa to a boy child

What have you been longing for?

All I want for Christmas is a

Rock and roll electric guitar

And then away went Rudolph

Whizzin' like a shootin' star, yeah

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