Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

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Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

On Christmas Eve, snow was softly falling outside, covering the ground in a blanket of white for the next morning. It was a cold but peaceful night until a little after one o'clock in the morning.

You awoke with a start, a little bit confused as to why you were awake. You checked the time - 1:17. You had only been asleep for an hour or two and wanted to stay in bed, but you were a little thirsty. A glass of water couldn't hurt. You decided to get up and get one to bring back to your room, but you had just barely gotten out of bed when you heard a clatter.

What was that? It was pretty late for your parents to still be up. They knew you didn't believe in Santa, so it wasn't as if they had gifts to lay out or stockings to fill or cookies to take bites out of to make it look like the man in the red suit had been there. Maybe one of them had also woken up and they had dropped something while getting water or walking around in the dark.

You grabbed your door handle and turned it, but you froze in place as you heard a sound again. Who was up and what on earth were they doing? You were beginning to question whether it was one of your parents or if someone had possibly broken in somehow...

You thought about just going back to bed, but you really were thirsty. And plus, if someone was in the house, you'd need to know whether or not you should call the police or alert your parents...

You very slowly and very quietly opened your bedroom door and snuck out into the hallway. You tiptoed like a child afraid to be caught doing something bad until you reached the staircase that led to the main level of your house where the kitchen and living room were. This was the tricky part - at least one of the steps always creaked no matter how careful you tried to be.

Just going down the stairs seemed to take hours, but you avoided making them creak - until the second to last step, that is. Your heart practically jumped out of your chest as you heard the wood groan, and you didn't move for a good minute, waiting for something to happen, but nothing did.

You kept moving, but you began to feel strange as you inched closer to the living room which you had to go through to get to the kitchen. Your ears began to ring, and you felt some kind of presence, like you weren't alone. But you kept going slowly and silently, ready to grab the nearest vase or book off of a shelf to throw at an intruder.

You made it to the corner and cautiously peeked around it, peering into the living room. You didn't know what you expected to see, but a man in a red suit and hat wasn't it. You were too old to believe in that, and there was no reason for your parents to dress up. So why did Santa appear to be standing in your living room in front of the fireplace?

The man in the familiar outfit had his back turned to you, and you were unsure of whether or not you should say something. Nothing in your house appeared to be broken or stolen, so this probably wasn't a robbery. But what exactly was it?

Before you could decide what to do next, a deep, sinister voice spoke.

"You better watch out." The words sent a chill down your spine. "You better not cry." The ringing in your ears got louder. Then instead of speaking the next phrase, the man sang it. "You better not pout, I'm telling you why."

He slowly turned around to face you, and the ringing in your ears was unbearable. You pressed your hands against your ears as if that would help, but it didn't. You looked at the man's face and realized that it wasn't either of your parents. It was a man with dark hair and dark eyes with what looked like black makeup around them. Red and blue seemed to outline him and his features. You didn't know this man, but your instincts told you that he wasn't a good guy. You struggled to find words to say to him to figure out who he was or what he wanted, but you couldn't speak.

"You're on my naughty list this year," the man said, stepping towards you.

"But when you get on my naughty list, you don't just get coal in your stocking or no presents for Christmas," he continued, slowly coming closer. You backed away, but you were quickly approaching a wall.

"You get a much worse punishment," the man smiled, pulling at his red jacket to straighten it.

"W-what' punishment do I g-get?" you stuttered, trembling as you finally managed to string words together to form a sentence. Your hands felt the wall behind you and you were forced to back into it as the man continued to come closer and trapped you.

"Death, of course," he grinned. The last thing you heard was the intense ringing in your ears and the sound of his deep and menacing laughter. Then everything went black.

I hope you guys enjoyed this sinister Christmas one shot! Were you expecting Darkiplier? Let me know in the comments and tell me what you thought of this :)

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