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Saturday night was the perfect time to be out in downtown LA. The night scene was great then. Sure, places were busy, but more people meant more fun and more chances of meeting someone cool and new. My friends had convinced me to go to a club with them, and I couldn't turn the invitation down. I was hoping to meet a girl that night, hopefully someone I could take home with me.

"This place is crazy tonight," my friend Matt noticed when we arrived at the club.

"I'm sure you'll meet someone tonight, Mark," my friend Ryan chimed in. They themselves weren't exactly looking for anyone - they were mostly there to be my wingmen, plus they had nothing better to do on a Saturday night, much like myself.

Once we got inside the building, the music was booming, lights were flashing, and drinks were being poured. We immediately headed for the bar. Even if girls weren't involved in our night at all, drinking and dancing was always fun. I downed a couple shots before we moved towards the dance floor. I scanned the room, searching for someone I might be interested in. After a couple of minutes, I found her. Most of the girls there were attractive, but this girl really caught my eye. She was brunette and was dressed in a black dress that fit her just right. She didn't appear to be with any guys - she was just dancing with a couple of friends. I pointed her out to Ryan and Matt.

"Yeah, she's definitely hot," Matt agreed with me.

"Go for it, dude," Ryan urged. I ran a hand through my hair and straightened out my black v-neck before walking her way. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around to look at me without refraining from dancing at all.

"Hey," she smiled.

"Hi. Mind if I dance with you?" I asked. She checked me out a little before responding.

"Not at all," she decided. Her friends didn't seem to mind, so I joined their little dance circle. I stayed close to the brunette that I liked and spoke loudly to her over the music.

"So, what's your name, mysterious stranger?" she wondered.

"My name's Mark. What's yours?"


"It's nice to meet you, Mia. Forgive me, my dance moves don't compare to yours at all, but I'm trying here," I grinned, breaking the ice.

"You're not doing too bad, actually," she told me. We got to know each other a little better - we headed over to the bar a few minutes later where it was a little bit quieter and we talked. She seemed really sweet. I thought that maybe I should ask her out and take things slow, but then I remembered that I was at a club, and people went to clubs to get drunk, dance, and take people home. People who were looking for committed relationships didn't look in places like this. And besides, I couldn't take my eyes off of her in that dress. It accentuated her curves so well and she knew exactly how to move her body to the beat of the music. I was definitely going to take her home.

After we each had a drink, we went back out on the floor again to dance. Mia didn't seem drunk - she said the drink I bought her was the only one she had consumed so far, and she wasn't much of a drinker. I didn't push alcohol on her. I just let her dance, and after a while, she pulled me closer so she could dance on me. I got the vibe that in general she was shy, but she wasn't acting so shy anymore. Ryan and Matt joined us and they still approved of her. When she left to go to the bathroom with her friends, they questioned me.

"What's the verdict? I mean, she seems interested," Ryan observed.

"I'll be taking her to my place soon, if I can convince her," I told them. When Mia got back, I decided to step up my game. My hands were on her waist and I was pulling her body close to mine as she moved her hips, grinding on me. I turned her around to face me and I took her hands and put them on my shoulders, returning mine to her waist.

"Can I just say that you look gorgeous in that dress?" I commented, flashing a grin at her.

"Thanks," she blushed. "You look pretty good yourself," she added.

"Thanks." Her dancing on me was starting to really turn me on. She flirted with me more, as if she could tell and she just wanted to frustrate me. Luckily, two could play at that game.

"Would your friends mind if we moved over there where it's a little more private?" I asked, motioning over to the corner of the room. She looked back at them and noticed that they were preoccupied dancing with their own guys, so she shook her head. I took her hand and led her over to a more secluded, dark part of the club. I gave in to temptation and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed back, and we had a hot make out session there for a few minutes until it felt like we both wanted more.

"I wish we weren't in a room full of people," I confessed. "There are so many things I want to do to you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhm. Would you be interested in coming with me to my place?"

"I don't know. I mean, I'd be leaving my friends behind," she realized.

"That's true, but they seem like they're a little busy themselves," I told her. She looked back towards the dance floor and saw them dancing with guys. She thought about things for a moment before speaking again.

"What's in it for me?"

"Well, for one thing, we'd have a whole house to ourselves, no distractions. That and I'm pretty confident that we'll have a good time, aren't you?" I spoke into her ear.

"Yeah. Let's get out of here," she decided.

I called a cab and we were off to my place. Her lips were on mine almost the whole way there, and when we arrived at my house in the secluded neighborhood that I loved, I didn't waste any time.

"I can give you a tour later, right?" I asked.

"Sure," she nodded. I took her upstairs to my bedroom and pushed her up against the wall.

"Damn," she breathed as I kissed her neck. "You don't mess around do you?"

"Nope," I replied. "But I guess you don't either." Her hands went underneath my shirt and moved up and down my torso. I pulled my v-neck off and tossed it onto the floor.

"Can you help me with my zipper?" She turned around and I unzipped her dress, which she let drop to the floor before she stepped out of it. We kissed as we backed into my bed, and we stopped for a moment so I could push her down onto it. I got on top of her and admired how she looked for a second before kissing her from her stomach all the way up to her lips.

"I'm going to make you scream tonight," I whispered in her ear. I felt for an item under my pillow and my lips curled up into a grimace when I found it. I pulled out my favorite knife and watched the color drain from Mia's face as she screamed out. I covered her mouth to muffle the sound as I pressed the blade into her skin and ran it across her throat. Her life and her blood was drained from her body, and the absence of her pulse satisfied me. I hauled the body off to where the rest of them were, deep in the woods where nobody ever went. I made sure to thoroughly wash the blood off of myself and I got rid of the blankets on my bed - it was easier than having to clean them. I replaced them and once the clean up was done, I went to sleep with a smile on my face. Another murder completed, and I still hadn't been caught.

Hey guys! Here's a spoopy Halloween one shot for you! I bet you weren't expecting the plot twist, were you? Or maybe you were...either way, I hope you enjoyed it! Let me know what you think in the comments, and please vote if you liked it. Also, if you're on Instagram, make sure to follow fanfics_for_days for sneak peeks of my stories and one shots before I post them, occasional picture edits, and of course, posts whenever I update stories so you know when to check for new parts! Anyways, thanks for reading :) Oh, and there's a lyric video for the song Scream by Usher in the multimedia section because it inspired this one shot, so enjoy!

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