First Convention

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First Convention

I checked the time on my phone as I walked into the Indianapolis Convention Center. It was 8:55. I had planned on arriving by nine, so I was ahead of schedule. I was there for Indy Pop Con, and Youtubers had made me decide that I had to come. Today I would have a chance to meet Mark, Bob, Wade, Jack, and Tyler, and I was extremely hopeful that I was there early enough to do that.

I stepped up to the pre-registration desk with my boyfriend and we handed over our tickets. We got our wristbands and were told to sit if I was planning on meeting Markiplier. I gave the standing line of VIP people a jealous glance, because they got to meet him and the rest of the guys early. There were quite a few non VIPs already in seats, but I was still pretty early. My chances of meeting everyone were pretty good, as far as I was concerned.

As time passed and the rest of the seats quickly filled up, I enjoyed the awesome cosplay around me. At 9:30, the line of VIPs were escorted away to wherever Mark and Co. were. Maybe twenty minutes later, the first section of seating was led to that same area, and I quickly grew impatient. However, after around thirty minutes, we were told to stand up and follow one of the Pop Con volunteers.

I laughed with my boyfriend at the comments I heard as our large group of people made our way through the exhibit floor of booths. "Are they giving a tour?" someone asked. Nope, Markiplier just has a really large and dedicated fanbase.

We reached the line and even though it looped back and forth and around, it still was visibly long. I was sure that it would be hours before we'd even get close, so I mentally prepared myself for the crazy wait. As we waited and slowly moved forward, convention volunteers played the iPad version of Headbandz with us to help pass the time. A couple times, everyone also began cheering and laughing. Being only 5'1" tall, I couldn't figure out what was going on even while standing on my tiptoes, but apparently Mark had poked his head out of the black curtains that separated our part of the line from the guys. I hadn't seen him, so I hoped that he'd do something again when I got closer. Sure enough, the guys in front of us peeked in while we were close, and Mark about gave me a heart attack by running at the curtain that was being held open and jokingly scolding them.

"HEY! What are you doing?!" he yelled, and I couldn't help but crack up. I also suddenly began feeling very nervous. It was crazy to see him in real life, and to know that I'd be meeting him soon. I was getting butterflies just looking at him, so how was I supposed to speak to him? I had no idea, and the signs that read: Breathe deep. Calm Down. It will be okay :) - well, they didn't help much.

The line moved forward and I was able to see Mark and if I stood on my toes, Jack, Bob, and Wade. The longer I saw them and got used to being somewhat close to them, the less nervous I felt. The iPad line games continued and once I got to the part of the line that wrapped around and around in front of the guys' setup, Tyler began making his way through the line for a break from everything. My boyfriend and I stopped him to say hi. We all introduced ourselves and he shook my boyfriend's hand and then held his hand out to me. I awkwardly was holding my Tiny Box Tim plushie in my right hand, so I had to switch it to the other before being able to shake his hand. At that point I was slightly embarrassed, but I still felt pretty comfortable talking to Tyler. He decided to steal the top side of Tiny Box Tim for his signature and he took a selfie with us before exiting the line. After that, I felt accomplished. One down, four to go. A couple girls saw the signature on Tim a little later and asked if Tyler had signed it already. I said yes and realized how awkward I was with people. I had already made a fool of myself around Tyler, so how would I be once I got to the front of the line? I didn't even want to know, but the line got cut off and people were given tickets and sent away - they would have to come back later after the panel was over to meet everyone. My boyfriend and I were safe along with plenty of people behind us, so we were absolutely, without a doubt, meeting everyone else. I felt so bad for all the people outside of the line who weren't getting a chance to meet the guys at all, and even for the people who had already waited for so long and had been told to come back later. I felt that much luckier that I had a secure spot in line, even if I had been waiting for hours and I still had over an hour before I'd be at the very front.

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