He's Here

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He’s Here

A dimly lit hallway. The lights flashing above me. Blood on the walls. This was the environment I found myself in. I had been to many dark, terrifying places, but I was not immune to atmospheres like this. I found myself feeling nervous as I tiptoed through the hallway, flashlight in hand in case the lights went out for good. I couldn’t recall why I had come to this place, or what it was, but I knew I needed to look around. I didn’t want to investigate, for fear of what I might find, but I needed to locate an exit. I hadn’t been there long and I had already had enough of it all. The flickering of the ceiling lights was starting to give me a headache, and they were hanging so loosely that I thought they could fall and crush me at any given moment. Each step seemed like a risk, but it might be worth it, if I could just find a way out…

It was strangely quiet in this place, and my footsteps seemed amplified in the silence. I tried to focus on making them as mute as possible, but it was difficult. I noticed the line of blood on the wall seemed to be getting fresher and fresher as I moved forward, and my mind started to race with horrible thoughts about who or what might be nearby. But before I could get too enveloped in these ideas, I finally heard something other than my own footsteps and breathing. It was a voice. A familiar one. It was deep and sinister, and I hated the sound of it more than anything else I had heard in my life. It came from the mouth of a man.

“I can hear you.”

I had already been found, but maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe I could backtrack. Surely I could just go back the way I came and get out, right? Of course, my entrance seemed like ages ago, and I didn't even remember the turns I had taken. But it was worth a shot. I turned around and began to make my way back, but the voice spoke again before I could make a good amount of progress.

“Don’t leave. Please, don’t go. I’ve been waiting for you,” it said. The man was making an attempt to sound sweet and innocent, but I knew better. He was dangerous, and I had to get out. I moved faster and didn’t bother to keep quiet.

“Alright, fine. Try to escape. But I have to say, I really thought you knew better than this,” the voice echoed. Suddenly, bars came down from the ceiling in front of me, closing me in like the door of a jail cell. I foolishly jiggled them and pushed, as if I could break free, but nothing happened. I was trapped.

“Now, I would appreciate it if you would just come to me, for once. Don’t forget what happened the last time I had to come and get you myself.” Oh, I couldn’t forget. I could never forget. I knew I was making a stupid decision, but I would be in danger even if I stayed where I was. I walked towards the curve in the hallway where the voice had been coming from. I took my time, knowing that nothing good was waiting for me around the bend. I cringed when the person that had been speaking to me finally came into view. He was about 5’10. He wore black sneakers, dark jeans, and a black t-shirt and zip up hoodie. His hands were covered in blood, and one of them was still touching the wall, smearing the red substance across it. His eyes were dark, and his hair was as well. It was messy too. He could be handsome, if it weren’t for his evil nature. But no, he was a nightmare; worse than anything I had ever seen in any horror film, and he was standing in front of me.

“Hello, friend,” he smiled when he saw me. He slowly removed his hand from the wall and cracked his knuckles menacingly. “I think you know what has to happen next,” he grinned. “But the question is, how should I do it?” He turned around and examined the wall behind him. Weapons of any and every kind hung upon it. They all looked as if they had been used, all except for one. It was a knife, and it was sparkling and shining like it was brand new. He grabbed it off of the wall and gripped it in his right hand, getting blood on the handle. He turned back around to face me, and I shook my head in fear. This couldn’t be happening.

“No. No, please don’t do this. Please!” I begged, my voice cracking, showing my vulnerability.

“I have to. You know how this works. How many times do I have to tell you before you’ll understand?” the man asked. He made his way towards me, and I backed up, as if I could get away. I knew I couldn’t, but I didn’t want to die. I needed to stall as much as possible. Unfortunately, the man before me couldn’t wait to get the deed done. He picked up the pace, as did I, but I quickly found myself bumping into the bars that had caged me in. The man finally reached me and pinned me against the bars, sneering in my face.

“This has been a nice visit, it really has, but I’m afraid it’s time for you to go,” he told me. “Goodbye, friend.” He took the knife and slid it across my neck, slitting my throat.

I shot up into a sitting position, breathing heavily. My hands shot up to my neck. My head was still attached to my body, and no incision had been made. My heart was beating a million times a minute and I was insanely afraid, but I was alive. It had just been another nightmare, thankfully. Darkiplier haunted my dreams quite frequently. Every dream was different, but they never failed to terrorize me, and each one ended with my death. I was getting really tired of the nightmares, but I didn’t know how to stop them. They had started up ever since the idea of Darkiplier had been created when Mark did those creepy videos on his channel and his fans went wild. Luckily, Darkiplier was only a figment of my imagination, but in my sleep, he always seemed so real. I didn’t take to my dreams lightly, so I had a nightly routine. I’d wake up sweating and I’d get up and splash some water on my face, grab a drink, distract myself from my thoughts and try to get back to sleep. I removed the blankets from myself and swung my legs over the side of the bed, and that was when I noticed it. 

My door was always closed while I slept. I couldn’t stand it being open, not even a little bit. But now, it was open ever so slightly. A little stream of light had found its way into my bedroom. I stared at the door, confused, and it began to open a bit more. It slowly moved until it hit the doorstop, and a dark shadow was in the doorway, blocking out some of the light from the hallway. It was a silhouette I knew too well, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. I pinched my arm quickly. This had to be dreamception or something…but it wasn’t. The figure crept into my room and the light from the hallway lit up its face. It was Darkiplier, and in his right hand was the shiny new weapon.

“Starring in your nightmares is fun, but it does get old after a while,” he breathed, examining the knife in his hand. “But don’t worry. This is going to hurt much worse than it did in your dream.”

Hey guys! Well, this is my first one shot ever, so hopefully it wasn't too bad! Please vote if you enjoyed it and give me your feedback and opinions in the comments section. Also, if you have any suggestions or ideas you want me to write about, I'll do my best :)

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