The Wrong Choice

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The Wrong Choice

*A/N: This one shot is a continuation of the chocolate ending of A Date With Markiplier. There's a bit of a recap to remind you of the previous choices you would have made before getting the ending. Enjoy, fellow chocolate lovers ;)

Never in a million years would you have imagined that you would ever be going on a date with Markiplier. You were a huge fan of his, and you were close enough in age that it wasn't really that weird for the two of you to be going on a date together. But at the same time, you never thought you had a chance, being a fan and all...And yet, you found yourself sitting down at a table for two in a nice restaurant across from Mark who was all decked out in a well-fitting suit and tie.

You weren't sure what expectations to have for this date, but you had to admit that from the start, it didn't go exactly as you had thought it might. Dinner was wonderful - Mark gave you a flower, let you order whatever you wanted off the menu, and charmed you with delightful conversation. He asked about you and didn't spend the entire time just talking about himself like some guys did. But then it came time to pay for the meal.

It was 2019, and it was pretty commonplace for anyone to pick up the bill no matter their gender or relationship role - you certainly didn't mind paying. The problem was that Mark had told you up front that he wanted to pay so you didn't force yourself to order the cheapest dinner and neither did he, and now there was a scarily angry chef demanding money when Mark couldn't find his wallet.

You were faced with a choice: either you'd have to throw away a large chunk of the paycheck you had just received that morning to pay for the meal, or you'd get in huge trouble and have to somehow figure out another way to pay. As much as you hated to throw so much money away on one dinner, it had been a very enjoyable and delicious meal with one of your favorite people who you never thought would show any interest in you. Other than the slip up of Mark forgetting his wallet, things had been going well so far, and you hated to mess that up. So you pulled out your debit card and handed it over.

"I'm so sorry, (y/n). I don't know how I forgot my wallet of all things...I guess I was just so nervous and excited to take you out that it slipped my mind," Mark apologized. You insisted that it was okay and Mark offered to make it up to you by taking you to a nearby theater to see a show. You obliged and headed there with him.

While Mark still couldn't buy the two of you any additional snacks, you still made sure to get popcorn and you looked at the showing options. You could either see a romance or horror show. Mark insisted that you choose. The posters for both shows looked interesting, but you were always a sucker for a good scary story. So Mark opened the door for you and you headed into the showing for The Dark Mark.

That was when the date took a very strange and sinister turn. You sat down together, waiting for the show to begin. The theater was practically empty, making the date seem much more personal and private, which you couldn't complain about. But one second, you were looking at the stage, and the next, you looked back at Mark, and...he wasn't there.

He had just been sitting next to you. He had just been talking to you, assuring you that it would be a good show...and now he was gone.

For a moment, you panicked. There hadn't been enough time for him to not only get up and walk away but also exit the room altogether without you noticing. And you didn't see him anywhere. You wondered if you should go investigate, but then the show seemed to be starting, with Mark on stage. Except that it wasn't really Mark - it just looked like him.

You weren't sure where Mark had gone, but now Darkiplier was in front of you, switching emotions frantically from frustration and anger to happiness and seduction. The world around you also seemed to be shifting; you were somehow jumping from location to location with him like time and physics didn't matter. He appeared to be just on the brink of existence, his body and the red and blue hues around him glitching in and out.

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