Such a Tease

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A/N: Female self-insert Yancy smut. Mature readers only. Enjoy!

Such a Tease

Relationships in prison were different. There were a lot more rules restricting couples here than in the outside world. In fact, relationships weren't technically allowed. But there were still plenty of them at Happy Trails Penitentiary.

You were in one of them with a greaser type named Yancy. He was universally loved by everyone there. It seemed as if most people either wanted to be him or be with him, and you were lucky enough to be with him.

Everyone knew this, even the guards. But they didn't normally actually do anything about relationships unless they caught you. They couldn't be mad at you for spending time with someone or being in their cell. You weren't meant to touch other inmates, but they allowed hugs and arms around each other as long as things were kept PG. It was kissing and sex that they would come down on you for, so couples had to sneak around to do that. You and Yancy had become pretty good at being sneaky by now. You had your meeting places and you knew which guards might let certain things slide. And because you had practically mastered the system, you were easily able to keep your relationship interesting.

Sometimes the two of you would slip each other romantic notes. Sometimes you'd borrow cell phones other inmates had snuck in and send each other pictures or texts. Sometimes you'd surprise each other with gifts you had saved up for in commissary, and you met up regularly to have alone time. But when you woke up from an inspiring dream on a typical Friday, you knew it was time to try out something new.

You normally obeyed the uniform rules. They were pretty lax anyways, and the warden and guards didn't mind people personalizing their looks. But the one thing they asked was for modesty. Meaning you shouldn't show too much off. But today felt like a good day to bend that rule.

Happy Trails gave inmates several clothing options: the striped shirt and pants set, grey sweatpants, plain t shirts and shorts, and jumpsuits. Today felt like a good jumpsuit day, but you purposefully left most of the buttons undone to show off more than a little cleavage. You also used a heatless method to get some waves in your hair and you put on some DIY prison makeup that your friends had shown you how to make. You felt good, and you knew you looked good, too. Your fellow female inmates were quick to compliment you and ask what the occasion was. You just told them you were planning on having some fun with your boyfriend.

At breakfast, you found Yancy sitting at his usual able with his male inmate friends. You always said hello to him in the morning and would chat with him for a bit after you ate with your friend group. So once you were done eating, you made your way over.

"Morning, Yancy," you smiled, leaning over the table and crossing your arms under your chest, purposefully boosting up your cleavage to show off for him.

"Morning," he said, barely glancing at your face before his eyes drifted down. He got a good look in before he returned your gaze. "Youse look great today, y/n."

"Well, thank you! I just felt like putting a little extra effort in," you replied with a smile.

"Youse always look great no matter how much effort youse put in. But I'm definitely not complaining," he said, enjoying the view some more.
An inmate across the table from Yancy dropped his fork on the floor with a clatter, but before he could grab it you saw the opportunity in front of you to tease your boyfriend even more.

"Oh, I'll get that for you," you decided, bending over right in front of Yancy to grab it.

"Thanks, y/n. I think Yancy thanks you, too," he chuckled. When you stood up and turned back around, you noticed Yancy shifting in his seat with pink cheeks, most likely embarrassed from his arousal in a room full of so many people.

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