Chapter 1

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Clutching at the handle of the crudely shaped guitar that I drag along with me, my head tucked between my shoulders. Two coin-like heirlooms I work through my fingers, playing with them to fill the idle silence as I travel to The Last Drop.

Grabbing the coins I dig them back into my pocket, pulling my hood back as I push through the doors with my elbow. A step inside and I am already met with friendly faces of people that would usually mind their own business but here, we are all each other's family in a strange way.

I return each greeting with a wide smile as I make my way all the way towards the furthest corner of the bar, "Finally managed to find your way here."

Hopping up to the chair, I smile at him through the corner of my eye, "Jery helped me fix this thing up," I pat the side of the scrap-made guitar.

Vander crosses his arms on the counter, "Got into trouble?"

I lift my shoulders, "Nothing I couldn't handle," I spin it around inspecting the dent of where I used this to slam it on the asshole's head that tried to steal it from me, "Though not someone we know."

"Remember what he looked like?"

I chuckle, "Was too busy running to care, I am definitely no good as a fighter. I'd leave that to Vi and Claggor," then rubbing my nose with the back of my hand, "I'd rather play what little music I can..." I then feel a lump in my chest, critically aware of the two coins in my pocket, "That is what they would have wanted."

"A strum of the guitar does more for everyone than a swift kick in the teeth."

I nod, "Yeah..."

He then slides out from behind his bar as he heads back to a secluded table. I head back to my tinkering and adjusting the strings until it finally doesn't sound like scraping metal with a file. In the midst of my stay here, I silently strum this makeshift guitar, mimicking the music playing through the bar.

A silly little dream but what else is there for me to do, I tried doing a lot of things... running with Vi didn't work that much. I can do tinkering but I end up just experimenting more than actually helping so the last shop owner threw me out as quickly as he could.

Now I just roam and get what little scraps doing that which my parents did.

I am far from a performer, but at least Vander is glad that I am sticking out of trouble - but I honestly would rather be out there but there is no place for me up there. A swift kick in the gut and then I would be crying.

I chuckle to myself, lifting my gaze towards the door as I spot the four of them sneakily 'try' to get past without Vander noticing them. Even I noticed them and that is just saying a lot for how much I just tend to space out.

Slinging it over my back, I dig my hands in my pockets as I head down. Taking my time down the steps, the door opens as three of them pour out.

"Heya guys," I lift my hand.

"(Y/N)!" a tug on my arm and Powder rushes past me, I then turn to the other two with bruised faces.

Then with a snort and suppressed chuckle, "You look like shit."

Mylo laughs sarcastically, "Three of us at least," then continues to push something against the door as he tries to listen in on the conversation.

Claggor looks at me over his shoulder, lifting his hand, "Hey."

Dropping down on the stairs behind Claggor, "Vander is probably pissed, I mean I did warn you guys off but not like listening to me did anything for anybody."

"Shh already," he leans in closer trying to listen in.

"Should have listened," he groans as he stretches his arms behind him, "How's that guitar of yours?"

Revenants - Arcane LOL x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now