~You belong to me now~

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"Christ! Boggs, did you have to slap her so hard?" Wilks asked leaning forward he held the girls chin to look at her before her head limply fell back.

"You asked to shut her up," Boggs sneered.

"Aye, you brute..but not nearly break her neck." Wilks argued.

"Enough!!!" Seymore hissed.

The two looked at him before sitting back and glaring at one another.

"Reynaud said she was not to be touched or harmed" Seymore reminded them.

They sat silently looking at one another. Then turned to look at the young child slouched on the chair before them.

"What do you s'pose he is going to do with her?" Wilks asked looking at her then at Seymore and Boggs.

Nervously they looked at one another before Seymore frowned.
"Ti's none of our concern, he paid us to find her and deliver her that is all."

Swallowing hard Wilks spoke carefully.
"Well I for one am getting the hell out of this when I get me coin, I don't like this one bit." He shook his head.

Nodding Boggs agreed.
"Aye, I never agreed to kidnappings,"

Shaking his head Seymore sneered.
"You both are a bunch of thieves and cutt throats what the bloody hell are you fretting for this is no different from what you've done in the past?"

" Aye that we are but, if that devil sends us to get rid of her I will not be part of it. I don't murder children," Wilks hissed.

Evangeline woke up just in time to hear those last words and she gasped.
They turned to look at her. The two that listened to him talk cursed while the one that spoke looked at her.

Fear and pure dread was visible in Evangelines eyes as she shook her head and began to cry. She watched as the one that spoke nervously pleaded with her not to cry.
"No.no.no little girl please, do not cry." He spoke furiously.

Evangeline pushed back against the seat as if to fall through it as one of them lunged forward and grabbed her.
She screamed and pulled away from the hands that dug into her arms.

Seymore hissed and cursed as her arms flailed and she began to fight back. But, the petite girl was no match for him as he shook her furiously.
Boggs and Wilks sat stunned at how Seymore violently shook her then slapped her again, easy enough as the ruckus began between the four, their was silence between them. Her unconscious body was propped up in the corner seat beside Seymore.

They arrived to where Locksley ordered them to bring her. The carriage pulled up to a dark alley way. Stepping down they continued forward until they stood before a large wooden door then Wilkes knocked.

Slowly the door creaked open and a large gruffly looking man stepped out before them. Seymore sizing him up stepped forward with Evangeline limp in his arms.

"I brought Locksley the girl," Seymore spoke.
With huff the man looked at her then to them.
"Aye, but he did not want her dead," he shook his head.
"She isn't dead, just put out for a while. I can assure she is very much alive," Seymore impatiently spoke.
Looking at them again, he stepped closer and toughed her cheeks then her hands noticing they were still warm.

Nodding his head he stepped aside and showed them the way.

They followed him down a dark passage where music was heard above. They turned off towards a narrow entrance down another hall, through another door into a dank ill lit room.

Immediately the greeted by two other men that stood before another.

With a nod and snap of the finger the two men came forward.
One took Evangeline's limp body from Seymores arms while the other ordered them to follow him.

The man placed Evangeline on a cot nearby on the floor. And stepped away letting Locksley step forward to see her clearly. He knelt beside her and observed her. With a triumphant smile he took in the view of her. For a small child she was very beautiful.

Sometime had passed before Evangeline finally woke up. Confused of her surroundings she slowly sat up. She looked around the dark room. The deep baritone voice spoke in a far distance making her jump and look around.

She was extremely frightened and did not know what to do. Tears began to fall as the voice came closer and the face of the man came into view.

"Hello Evangeline, my name is Reynaud Locksley,"

He knelt before her and reached for her. Afraid she drew back a bit until her back touched the cold wall. He held her chin tilting her head up to meet her eyes. Tears fell like waterfalls as the man that terrified her smiled down at her.

"You belong to me now"

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