~We meet again~ Part 2

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Adrian rode with livid haste in a blinded rage. He said nothing as he rode beside Brendan. He sped poor Gideon along the country side at break neck speed until he was before the convent gates.

The gates opened as he rode up and bounded from Gideon with no hesitation. The flare of his nose and murderous glare sent novices in the courtyard scurrying out of his path.

Brendan caught up with him and immediately caught his arm.

"Calm yourself first before entering, man. These are women of the cloth." He spoke in a low heated tone.

Yanking his arm away. He stepped closer to him nose to nose he shook with so much rage as he spoke.

" Did you see her back?....I suggest you stay out of this and out of my way," he growled. 

Backing away, Brendan raised his hands not wanting to confront Adrian. He stepped aside and watched him storm in through the doors.

The large thumps of his boots fell hard and echoed through the corridor as he walked the convent halls towards Mother Superiors office.
He did not wait for any introduction as he pushed the door open so hard it slammed against the wall shaking the book cases nearby.

In the office were three nuns with Mother Superior that yelped and turned frightened and watched as he entered.

"M....mlord St. James, what is the matter?" she stood from her chair.

"You have the nerve to ask?" he yelled.
And they jumped.

She looked at him terrified as ever.

He stepped forward slowly before her desk. The formidable Earl leaned over the desk until he was eye to eye with the petite nun.

"Would you care to explain to me why Evangeline was whipped?" he whispered heatedly.

Flustered and confused she frowned.
"M'lord whipped?"

He slammed his fist on the table, the nuns to his side jumped and began to cry and hover close.
"Do not play games with me. Evangeline was whipped and I want to know why? and by whom?"

"Mmmm..lord that cannot be we do not punish our girls," she looked so confused at the accusation.

"And the lacerations on her back by chance ended up there by divine intervention, what do you take me for?" He hissed.

Aghast, she searched for words trying to understand.

He leaned forward and looked deep into her eyes.
"Madam, I am a man of very little patience, if you did not punish her, then you have exactly one minute to bring forth the person that did. Or so help me God there will be hell to pay for what has been done." He gritted his teeth.

In no time he stood before two nuns that were last with her.
The one to his right had her head hung low and began to cry incessantly. She confessed that all she did was provide the whip and stood by as the other nun whipped Evangeline.

His murderous glare fell on the nun to his left. She did not cower nor did she look remorseful.
"Why did you do it?" he asked.

With a hoity air to her stance she pointed out her reasons.
"She was willful, rude, combative and disobedient. She slapped your fiancé then went on to threaten one of the nuns," with a nod of her head turning her noes upward, she felt what she did was justified.

Adrian stepped closer and gripped her arm. The nun grimaced in pain. He neared his face to hers.
"Be that as it may, you had no right. I don't care if she danced through these bloody halls summoning Satan himself to visit this damn cloister, you were not to lay your hands upon her," he shouted so loudly she paled.

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