~Silence is golden...or is it?~

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The moment she faced him, pure fear took over her.
He was so tall he towered over her.
To her horror he inched closer and ordered her to come forward. But she couldn't move.
The moment he pulled her close her knees began to wobble.
"You wreak to high heaven" He said.
It was true, baths weren't a commodity or a luxury for her any more.
The moment he mentioned she needed a bath her heart dropped.

She was dragged out of the library and fought to get away but it was no use. She fought wildly as she was dragged to a room and stood before him.

She began to shake.

"Remove your clothes and get into the tub," he ordered.

And she could not obey. He would find out she is a girl. What will happen to her then?
Tears burned in her eyes threatening to fall as he knelt before her and began to undress her.
She shivered violently with fear and the slow drifting air that was beginning to touch her skin as layers of clothing was being removed. She stood in place as his no nonsense glare bore into her.
She lowered her eyes and looked away as he dashed her hand away from the buttons.

All the air left her lungs as he opened her shirt and looked at her. Embarrassed and ashamed she immediately covered herself.

Wide eyes filled with astonishment immediately lifted to her averted gaze.
To finish the discovery he confirmed his suspicions, he slowly lifted his hand to her head and removed her cap. Like a silk curtain she felt her hair tumble around her.

And there it was. He knows now.


He stood slowly before her and backed away a bit.
He was in utter shock that the little waif before him wasn't a he...but was a she.
Evangeline did not meet his gaze.
He watched as she tried to cover herself and only imagined her discomfort.

Whipping his hand down his face, he noticed the roles have changed. He thought to feed and bathe the boy and turn him over to the convent nuns at St. Gregory's orphanage for boys. But it turns out he is a she.
What a fine predicament this was.
He knew nothing about little girls.

He began to pace slowly and think.
He stopped to look at her.
And cursed under breath as he remembered she still stood before him shivering and covering herself.

Without thinking he quickly removed his shirt and pulled it over her shoulder. Slowly she shoved her hands through the sleeves and buttoned up the blouse.

Again he looked down at her.
Then broke the silence.
"What is your name," he asked holding her chin up to look at her clearly.

Huge brown eyes looked up at him in silence. And she looked away. She could not bare his penetrating gaze. With a sigh he continued.

"Your silence will only make things worse," his tone warned.

He looked down at her, certain she would at least speak. Then he noticed what he hadn't noticed before. The shy tilt of her head as she did not want to look at him. The rapid beating of her pulse at her throat, her hands as they were clenched so tightly at her chest that her knuckles had gone pale.

Was she frightened of him? Was she ashamed?

Looking away he turned.

He had no clue how to interact with her. He impatiently stood before her waiting.
If he threaten to turn her over to the authorities would she speak?
The thought was inconceivable.
But he needed her name, her age in order to figure out what to do with her.
He raked his hands through his hair.
What was he going to do?
He didn't have the heart to turn her out into the streets.

He toiled with his options still unable to decide. If he simply dumped the little girl at one of the orphanages or foundling homes, he would have no control at all over where she went or knowledge if she would be treated well.
With a sigh he looked at her.
"I'm pretty sure your exhausted and hungry. I will send Rosie up to attend to you. And see to your bath as well."
He turned to walk out the door giving her a last glance before shutting the door.

She watched as the door shut. Panick stricken she ran to it as it clicked. She placed her hands on the handle and turned it.
It was locked...

She stepped back and slumped to the floor with her knees drawn to her chest.
What a predicament she was in..
She dashed away a tear.
Serves her right for breaking into his home.
Moments later the door opened and she lifted her head to see a woman step forward. Her face immediately beemed with joy.
Her name was Rosie.
She gently pulled her up and helped her undress and into the tub for a bath.
She stayed silent, never uttered a word as Rosie came forward with a nightshift.

" We havent had a young lass in this home in almost 10 yrs ever since Lady Caroline married and left. This is all that I could find that is suitable for sleep."

She sat and listened to the woman chatter as her hair was combed.

After, the straight faced butler brought her a tray of food.
She looked at it. And she nibbled on one or two things but hunger eluded her. She was worried about Phoebe.
She needed to get back to her.
Exhausted and tired, Rosie helped her into bed. As soon as her head touched the soft feather down pillow sleep claimed her.

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