~Last Kiss~ part 3

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Evangeline's stomach clenched nerviously with anticipation and fear  as she had just finished dancing with her partner.

She stood in place as she watched Adrian slowly approach her. Trembling with his stare, she took shakey breaths. When he extended his hand and asked her to dance, she wanted to hide.  she could not do it. She truly did not know why she felt so nervous.

Her gaze rested on his upturned palm. Swallowing hard she raised her fingers and placed them in his. He closed his hands gently over hers and strolled with her onto the dance floor. So many times they practiced but, those times never felt like this.

She looked into his eyes and smiled trustingly at him. There was no other place she would rather be then in his arms. She trembled as their hands touched and when he caressed her palm with his thumb, it awoke every fiber of her being.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" he whispered.

His voice caressed her cheeks and it sent a simmering heat through her that she blushed.

He twirled her lightly around the floor, she felt as if she were floating. She truly did not want this night to end.

The nights festivities carried on as the hours on the clock ticked away. By mid night Evangeline was mentally and emotionally exhausted.

Adrian stood with Caroline and watched as the dance was coming to a close and Evangeline's partner led her back to them.

Adrian waited and watched a little irritated as the young man elaborately placed a kiss on her hand. His lips lingered their for what seemed like ages when it was only a moment and Adrian needed to look away.

His ears caught the mans words as he said his good night to Evangeline.
"It was truly an honor to have met you, Miss Chenoweth," he spoke.

She blushed prettily and curtsied.
A slight jab to the stomach caught Adrian's breath as with thought of her being besotted with the pup.

Standing abruptly he acknowledged Caroline and did the same and bowed to Adrian then took his leave.

Turning he offered his arm to Evangeline as he was going to escort them both to their rooms. Abruptly Caroline paused and touched her temple as if trying to remember something.

With a gasp she looked at them both.
"My reticule I left it on one of the chairs, do go on I will be up in a minute," she walked off in a hurry in search for it.

He turned to face Evangeline and shook his head with a smirk, they both watched  her leave before turning and continuing up the stairs.

They walked side by side in silence until they reached her quarters. As a form of precaution he placed his hand on the knob and opened the door and entered with her securely depositing her in her room after he glanced around making sure all was in order.

He turned to face her then, silently she watched him.

Breaking the silence, he spoke.

"Did you enjoy your self tonight, little one?"

He watched her weary gaze turn into a smile so bright it took his breath away.

"Yes I did," she nodded.

The pulse in Evangeline's neck quickened as he took a step toward her… and then another. She had to bend her neck to look up at him. He looked into her eyes, they reflected joy and happiness.
He lifted his hand to caress her cheek. "I am glad you did," he whispered.

The contact between them kindled a desire that warmed her blood.

He pulled away slowly, but she stopped him.

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