~You're one of us now~

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Hello lovelies
I just had to include images to the characters of the story. above is a photo of Tonk. Again thank you so much for your votes and support it means so much to me.

Running wasn't easy for her to do. Her dress slowed her down tremendously but they got away. They ran for what seemed like forever. Never did they let her falter pulling her along and looking back to see if they were being followed.

To her relief they finally stopped behind a large building. Hands on knees doubled over and panting heavily, she gripped her chest feeling overwhelmed, shaken and weak. The bile rose to her stomach her nerves took the better half of her and she fell to her knees and wretched furiously all she had eaten earlier.

Never in her life has she ever been so frightened. Soft hands patted her on the back as the little girl knelt beside her holding up her hair and away from her face.

"Ye alright? I think we got away," she said sweetly between breaths.

Pressing the back of her hands to her lips, she nodded.

"My name is Phoebe and that randy bugger over their is Tonk, " she looked his way.

Evangeline looked at the young girl at her side. She was no doubt younger than Evangeline 11 or 10 maybe. She was in tattered clothing with soot and grime all over her face. Her hair tied back and stuffed in a cap. Grungy and ill kept they were both. Consciously she looked at her own attire and noticed it was no different.

Looking at the young girl then giving a glance at the boy she gave a nervous smile.

"My name is Evangeline," she spoke softly.

Phoebe smiled at her.
"That is a pretty name,"

"Thank you,"

They sat in silence for a while observing each other.

"Come on now we must get back, I'm a little tired." Tonk insisted.

They began to walk together and talk. In the space of the small journey to their dwelling they listened to Evangeline and what landed her in this predicament.

"So your father is gone?" Phoebe asked with a raised eyebrow.

Nodding her head Evangeline shrugged her shoulder.
"We have not seen him in months."

"Awe posh I would not be surprised if the bastard is bloated belly up in the Thames," Tonk hopped candidly from one rock to the next.

"Tonk!!!," Phoebe gasped giving Evangeline an apologetic side glance.

"Tis alright Phoebe, tis probably true," she looked at them both then shrugged her shoulders.

It was nearly nightfall before they neared a street of run down homes and dilapidated shacks. Thick smog and smoke everywhere.
They hurried past alleyways to get to their destination with Evangeline following behind.

With a sigh of relief they stood before a hut with no windows a door that hung off the hinge and a ratty old rag that covered the entrance.

"Come on don't be shy," Tonk smiled.

Stepping in behind one another they entered.

Evangeline's face cringed in the darkened hovel they called home. The stench was unbearable but it was warm which she could bare for the time being. Honestly she had no choice.

"So you live here?" She asked stepping carefully over loose boards on the floor..

They turned to face her. Nodding their heads. She watched Phoebe pull off her coat and gingerly throw herself on a cot in the corner.

"No one takes care of you?" she asked sadly.

Before they could answer, the deep voice of a man crawled into the hut along with another.
With a shreek, Evangeline turned to face two grizzly looking men as she darted behind Phoebe. Which did not help because she was taller then both of them.

Scared and nervous, she watched as one of them cracked a smile tossing a large satchel to the ground.

"Didna mean to scare ye lass," he smiled.

She skeptically watched as they came forward and ruffled Phoebes and Tonks head.
"I see ye brought 'ome a stray," they chuckled.

Phoebe spoke up and pointed to them.

"This is Travis and that's Jobbins."

She could tell they meant no harm. They were as filthy and weather beaten as Phoebe and Tonk.
Phoebe spoke to them as if nothing was wrong. She told them everything.
And as if it could get any more complicated she begged them to let her stay.
She had no intentions of staying but in truth where would she go.
Was she even safe here with them. Unchaperoned?

They looked at one another wearily and then at Phoebe and Tonk.

"Looking at ye lass ye look highborn. This is no palace or living you're use to," he informed her.

"Ye don't have family child?" The one to his right asked.

She shook her head and hugged herself.

Blowing out a breath and sigh he removed his cap and scratched the back of his head eyeing Tonk and Phoebe who awaited anxiously for his decision.

"This place is small and cramped. Food is scarce and I must warn ye there will be many a nights you will go to bed with nigh a fig in yer belly," he warned.

"To survive, ye must do what ye must to stay alive in this bitter world. Am I clear?"

With that said she hugged herself tighter and looked at them all.
She felt overwhelmed with so much sadness.

She looked at them both as the one named Jobbins came close and bent down to look at her.
"You have nothing to fear," he pat her on her shoulders.

"Ye' moppet your safe here," Travis smiled.

Like an overgrown dark cloud had been lifted from her head she felt it float away. They accepted her.

Phoebe beamed with a giggle and jumped to grab Evangeline in a tight hug followed by Tonk.

He pulled away and smiled at her.

"You're one of us now."

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