~Hell hath no fury~ Part 2

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Eva stood trembling before the heated glare of Alicia. She looked helplessly down at Caroline.
"What did you do to her?"

Alicia didn't answer. She was seething with fury as her eyes combed over Eva and landed on her stomach.

Self consciously Eva looked down and her motherly instinct to protect her unborn child pushed forward and she raised her hands to it.

"You're pregnant!" Alicia screeched with a crazed look in her eyes.

Eva inched back.

Not able to speak, she silently stood there watching Alicia. A bit shocked at the sudden state she was in. It was clear to Evangeline that Alicia was not in her right state of mind. She stood before her in a dishelved state. Her clothing tattered. Her skin dirty with soot.

"Alicia please I must seek help for Caroline," Eva inched towards the door.

Immediately her path was blocked.
"You're not going anywhere you little harlot."

Eva stopped and frantically began to look around for a way to escape. But, it was no use.

She held Alicia gaze once more with agitation.
"Why are you doing this?" she shouted.

"You have the nerve to ask!" Alicia screamed stepping closer.

Alicia continued slowly towards Eva.

"You have been nothing but a discord in my life." Alicia cried out.

"You ruined any chances I hoped for in being happy." she pointed at Eva's stomach.

She cornered Eva lunging for her and grabbed her tightly by the arms and shook her furiously.

"First you take my fiancé from me, you marry him and now you're having his child. God how I hate you," she screamed at Eva before striking her across the cheek.

Eva shoved Alicia and slapped her back.

Feral blue eyes filled with hate reached for Eva once more rapping her fists in her hair in a tight grip. Shrill screams echoed through out the room as the two forcefully shoved, scratched and fought.

Eva fought with all her strength trying to keep Alicia from harming her. The first blow she managed, sent Alicia fumbling back. Eva quickly ran for the door but as her fingers brushed the door knob her head snapped back with Alicia's tight grip of her hair then she was whirled around and slammed into the nearby wall. Breathless and frightened for her child's safety, she pushed away from the wall preventing Alicia from cornering her.

"Harming me will get you know where," Eva yelled.

"It will give me satisfaction to see you and that...die," she pointed with disgust towards her abdomen.

Shaking her head, Evangeline stepped back horrified. She trembled with fear as Alicia stalked her.

She searched for something to defend herself. She needed to get out of the room.

She dodged to her right quickly as she could reaching for a medium sized ceramic figurine on a nearby table and through it at Alicia missing her head by mere inches gaining enough time to get to the door.

Alicia hot on her trail followed her towards the end of the hall. Eva did not stop as she headed for the stairs in haste.

Clattering down the steps in a rush gripping the railings, she caught the sudden glare of light from the entrance door as it opened.

With a whimper and cry for help she screamed for Adrian as he cleared the threshold and entered.

His head snapped up in alarm and immediately he ran towards the steps to her but he was late. Shock evident on his face to see Alicia then it quickly wiped then turned murdreous.

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