~The Introduction~

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Evangeline's eyes wandered everywhere except in front of her. She sat restless in her chair with her thoughts in the clouds. Ever so often she would look up to the woman before her feigning a smile and nod as if she honestly were listening to her. But, sometime had passed before she made contact with reality and her distant stare got her into trouble.

"Evangeline!, are you listening?" Madam Phelps snapped her finger.

Jumping to attention, she gasped and looked up into frowning eyes.

"Forgive me Madam, it won't happen again," she whispered.

Disappointed she clucked, and shook her head before returning her gaze to the book before her and continued the lesson.

Slouching miserably she saddened, the lecture was torture and it didn't help that she wasn't feeling too good. She anxiously sat there with her thoughts in a muddled heap both chastising herself about her inappropriate thoughts and reveling in fantasies, impossible fantasies. She had developed such a feeling for Adrian most would say it was normal, it was a simple school girl crush. Deep down she knew this was wrong he was her guardian. He was her joy, her confidant, the stone and foundation of her life and secretly he was the vital craving of her heart and soul.

Again, the tapping and the exasperated breaths brought her from her musings. Embarrassed she sat silent as Madam Phelps began the endless litany of complaints of not doing her lessons and being distracted.

"I must say young lady it is unlady like your behavior," she breathed.

Evangeline sat up briefly biting her lip and looked sadly into the woman's eyes.

"I am deeply sorry, Madam, it won't happen again," she repeated.

As if the plea fell on deaf ear Madam Phelps continued. "I am going to have to speak with the Earl of this behavior young lady. You must not idle or dally when it comes to your work," she piped out sitting up straight.

Immediately Evangeline looked up and gasped. Nervously she shook her head and pouted, "Please do not Madam, I beg you. He will be upset with me," her breath shook , she lowered her head and the urge to cry was on the brink.

"Indeed I will," the stern husky voice came from behind.

She stiffened wide eyed and looked up into Madam Phelps shocked gaze that was pinned on the familiar voice over her shoulder.

Breathing quickly and closing her eyes praying to the saints that she was not imagining things. She swallowed hard.

She turned slowly and stood to look at the all too familiar handsome face of her guardian. His gorgeous eyes met hers and immediately her breath left her lungs.
He was elegantly dressed in a black suit that as a habit upon entering the manor he sometimes undid his cravet while handing his overcoat to Penniford.
She was so overjoyed with his return but nervously stood back and did not move. She did not know how long he had been standing there or what he had heard. She nibbled on her lip and stood there waiting for him to chastise her on her recent behavior but he never did.
She sadly looked away from his gaze, if he was disappointed in her she could not bare to see it in his eyes.

The moment he spoke and her eyes looked into his again was when her world went still and all her fears and worries became a distant memory. Forgotten.

"What ? No Hello Peach?!," he grinned mischievously.

The second he said those words, there was no need for small talk or proper greetings, she closed their distance in three strides and ran into his open arms. Throwing her arms around his neck, he nuzzled his face into the warmth of her neck and chuckled softly.
She clung to him as if clinging to life itself and marveled in his strong embrace. She was engulfed in his warmth, his scent and it made her heart flutter.
Stepping back he caressed her face in his hands and looked down at her.

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