~Road to Deceit~Part 3

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Her world, her life and her heart as she knew had withered away to nothing in a matter of seconds. Darkness had claimed her and she succumbed to its never ending abyss.

Since that day she wasn't the same. She awoke to the swaying of the carriage that left with her and Reynaud. She lay on the opposite side of him in silence staring at nothing. She was an empty shell of a girl.

She did and said nothing as he helped her out of the carriage and made arrangements to leave for Dover to catch the next packet out to Calais.

In no time she was joined by her cousin, Reynauds two cronies and they left. It was as if she were no longer in her own body. She couldnt cry or speak. The image of Adrian and Alicia together, was a bitter sweet reminder of his betrayal that burned beneath her lids everytime she closed her eyes.

The eight hours of travel to Dover did little to improve her current state. Instead, it only worsened it.

They watched and observed her as if she were to wither away with the wind.

When they finally reached their destination they unloaded their belongings or what little they traveled with and were led to two seperate cabins aboard the ship.

Escorted in, she was to share it with her cousin and he would stay in the one next to theirs.
Because their sail to Calais depended on the winds, their journey would be at mercy to the tides.

It was a perilous trip, as the ship rocked and swayed across the channel. Each rough dip and swirve of the voyage had her closing her eyes tight willing the nausea and sickness of motion away.

Her cousins sweet voice tried in vain to sooth her and beg her to speak but she couldn't. Her heart was battered and her will to live on was only a tether thin because she would finally be with family. But, that was all.

She would soon find her self after hours of the nausous sway of the ship with her head hovered over a chamber pot wretching furiously all her content in her stomach. This continued on until she was weak and pale.

By then, when Wilks entered to check on them he was bombarded by the young girl who frantically spoke to him in french gesturing to Evangeline slumped on the floor. Immediatley, he called for Locksley that cleared the way threw them and bent down to pick her up and placed her on the bed.

She looked lethargic and frail. It worried him.

"She doesnt look well," Boggs spoke up from behind him.

Irritated, Locksley nodded his head.
"I am aware of that you fool," he spat out.

His eyes warily combed over her. He bit off a curse. He couldn't go through all of this now to come this far for her to get sick on him and possibly die.

"Find a physician on this blasted ship and bring him here this instant." he ordered.

Not a minute had past and one was found, dragged unwillingly into the cabin at the end of a dagger before he was pushed forward roughly by Boggs.
"Fix her," he waved the dagger away from the feeble mans nose pointing it towards the girl in the bed.

Quickly, Lockley stood and moved to the side so the man could come closer.
"My wife.... I am afraid is very ill with the trip. Can you give her something for the sickness," he spoke.

Boggs and Wilks exchanged knowing gazes and turned slowly to the physician that hesitantly stepped forward.

Within minutes a little tincture was mixed in her water and given to her to drink. She drifted off into a fitful peaceful sleep. Looking up to the two men that stood behind Locksley, he wiped away the sweat beading at his head.
"She should be right as day when she awakens by then the ship would be docked in Calais," his voice shook.

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