~Stay with me~

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*****Warning this chapter is for mature readers...read at your own risk*****


Morning had come when Adrian had to sit down and tell them what happened last night.

"She is pregnant?" grey eyes that mirrored his own was just as shocked with the news.

"Brother are you sure?" Caroline asked and soon lowered her head with the scowl that formed on his face.

"No Caroline, a bump on her abdomen just decided to grow," he answered sarcastically. Waving away his bad attitude she stood and began to pace now with the news it was hard to think of anything else.

Arlington and Montgomery stood in the far corner in awe of this new discovery.

"So what are we to do? How do we get her away from Reynaud and bring her back home?" Caroline asked.

Adrian stood silent lost in thought peering down into his glass of brandy.

He felt his chest tighten, his mind still could not wrap around the thought of her being pregnant. She was carrying his child. A part of him and her was growing inside of her with each waking day. A miracle created out of love.

"We need to find a way to get to her uncle. I fear he has no idea who Reynaud is or why he is here," Adrian spoke.

All eyes lifted to his and looked at eachother.

Arlington nodded his head. "How do we do that?" he asked.

"We can send a message for him to meet with us. He has to be told who Reynaud is and we explain to him that Evangeline is in grave danger," Caroline said.

"In the meantime, while she is here with me you all can do that. I want her far away from there out of his reach," Adrian warned.

They continued planning out their next move and set in motion what needed to be done.

The slight tap on the door pulled them away from their talk. They looked at one another before Montgomery stood from his chair and walked over to answer the door.

When he opened it Adrian stood immediately. His gaze shot to beautiful honey eyes. His heart stopped. Montgomery pulled her in quickly before poking his head through the door to make sure she wasn't followed.

She walked in slowly and was greeted by the familiar warm smiles of Caroline and Arlington.

She lowered her head embarrased and worried that they would scrutinize her for what she did even more so that she stood before them so far along in her pregnancy.

When Caroline stepped forward and lovingly hugged her she felt the weight of her guilt slightly lift. They exchanged a few encouraging words before excusing themselves and leaving her alone with Adrian.

He along with Evangeline watched them leave.

When the door shut, she slowly raised her eyes to his.

His heart thundered behind his ribs with enough force he wondered would they break. He had absolutely no assurance she would actually come or of how it would be, to be face to face with her again. There were no words.

They were alone now.


She hesitated most of the morning with her decision to go see him or not.

Fear gripped the better half of her reasoning because he would come for her. And that would put her cousins life at risk.

Panicked and out of her whits, she sat staring at herself in the mirror. Her eyes lowered and rested on the small buldge of her waist. She lowered her gaze and tightly closed her eyes seeking a sign in her silent prayer. There was so much she needed to say to him but she could not.

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