~Last Kiss~

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~Their last kiss was meant to be quick and chaste. But, after the first touch of her lips, fire leaped up and roared through his belly down to his groin. His fingers yanked her close, and his arms crushed her to him as if wanting to mesh them together. She knotted her fingers in his hair and bit down on his bottom lip, making him groan. His lips parted, and her tongue swept in to an erotic dance with his. There was nothing sweet or gentle in their last kiss; it was filled with sorrow, hurt, desperation and fear, of the bitter knowledge that it was their last goodbye. Her goodbye. ~

"Eva," he moaned in protest as their fingers reluctantly slid apart as she faded into darkness before him.

He sat up bolt right tangled in his sheets drenched in sweat. His heart hammered painfully in his chest. It was a dream. One of many that tormented him since she went away.
Since he sent her away.

Breathless and in a state of unease, he raked his fingers through his hair. He hasn't had a decent nights sleep since then.

Turning to look out the window, the soft dawn light was becoming brighter. He blew out a breath not ready to meet the day. He slowly layed back down. Letting the remainder of the sleep he lost, catch up.


Sitting at the table in the dinning room of his London town house. Adrian's eyes were fixed on the letter before him.
From Mother Superior, Sister Agatha of St. Helen's Convent.
An urgent summons on behalf of his ward, Evangeline Chenoweth.

It was the third letter he had received in the last 4 months since she has been there. None from her. She was punishing him. She was still upset with him for sending her away.

He blew a frustrated breath. She was completely acting out. Retaliating and no doubt did something to upset them. Wearily he knew he would need to move her to another convent....yet again.

He stood and walked out of the dinning room and met Penniford walking out of the nearby parlor.

"Penniford summon Harold and tell him to bring around the carriage," he spoke.

"I have to see what tempest in a teapot Evangeline started this time," he sighed.


She was banished to the far end of study. Her head lowered not from shame of her actions but from fear of looking up into those eyes that radiated anger.

Her heart thudded heavily in her chest the moment his enormous frame entered the small room. He sat side ways as to look her way with a displeased glare as Mother Superior gave detail accounts of her misdeeds.
From refusing to eat to quarreling with the other girls. Then she disclosed the last detail of how she threatened the Gardner within an inch of his life with a pitch fork. His gaze fixed upon her, and the dark threat it held sent a shiver through her.

She looked away and dashed away a tear. She too simmered with anger for him sending her to this place. She had no right being here. She wanted to leave this damp, rat infested cloister.

Adrian shook his head as he listened to the nun's chatter, a reproving look in his eyes as he looked at her from across the room. His expression spoke volumes of his anger. The verdict of how he would handle this was written clearly on his features. He was here to collect her. Then he would punish her. And return her here after two weeks.


She trailed behind him with measured steps as they exited the convent and continued towards the awaiting coach.

With nary a look in his direction, she climbed in and sat in the opposite side hovered to the corner with her eyes glued to the window. The long silent ride from the countryside would prove that the emotional climate between them had changed.

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