~To elope..or not to elope~

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Adrian sat and played his hand as best as he could but his mind was no where in the game. He sipped his brandy and listened to the men around the table speak and laugh. Tossing witty banter amongst themselves.  He however was so lost in his own thoughts he barely heard the few around him fold and leave the table. By then he looked up at them and lazily smiled with an excuse that he too would do the same.

He stood up and withdrew from them as they chuckled at his expense for being a spoiled sport for leaving so soon.

"But it is nearly midnight St.James, " one shouted out.

"Yes, for more reason my good men, regrettably I must leave," he chuckled.

With his last goodbye he turned and exited the gaming hall into the ballroom where couples still danced. His eager eyes scanned the area for the familiar auburn hair and beautiful dress of Eva that stood out. His eyes caught the double doors as they opened and Alicia left. From across the room he followed her. It was time that he had talked with her he remembered.

He crossed the large expance of the dance floor towards the double doors that led out towards the garden. He turned to scan the floor again to make sure he didn't miss sight of Eva. His eyes narrowed.
Where could she be?

With one last glance he slowly turned in time to bump into Arlington and his sister Caroline. Immediately they fell into a conversation.
"Adrian you devil, you just missed Lady Alicia," he slapped him on the back and pulling him into a hearty hand shake.

"And Evangeline where is she?" He looked around.
Adrian turned to follow his gaze as puzzled as he was.
"I am wondering where my little ward has run off to myself," he grinned looking around as well.

"Well we will let you go find her, how about a game and drinks tomorrow at Whitmore's," he pointed out.

"Yes I will be there we can catch up," he nodded.

Finally, he was alone and out in the garden. He continued looking around and spotted Alicia turning from a bush and reentering the dance on the opposite end. Walking in that path, curiosity took the best of him. He inched closer and frowned, puzzled at what she could have been doing here.

He looked around and caught site of the couple to the far end. Naturally, he was intrigued by the tender scene of the couple in a sweet embrace. He was caught riveted to the spot of the sight before him.
Evangeline and Jonathan.

He had clenched his fists, conscious of an almost overwhelming urge to close his hands around the pup's neck.

They were both so caught up in their mutual bliss that neither of them was aware of his presence . Acknowledging this, the pain Adrian felt was so great that he could have screamed . But he did not. He did nothing. Gritting his teeth, he managed with a truly heroic effort to turn on his heel and leave the two of them.

He stopped in front of the double doors hesitating to return to the dance floor.

He needed somewhere to go. but, he had to wait for Evangeline.
Then his eyes caught Caroline.

With determination he cleared the space between them. He smiled as she pulled him close with a beautiful smile of her own.
"Dance with me brother," she pleaded.

He chuckled and lifted her hands to his lips placing a kiss on each one.

"I am afraid I'm not up to it, Caroline,"
Her smile faded and her stare grew concerned.
"Are you well Adrian," she stepped closer and touched his cheek.

With a grin that never touched his eyes. He caressed her hand and lowered his head.

"I'm going to need you to bring Eva home, I will be here for a while and a little late arriving home." he said.

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