~Never ending trouble~

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It has been over a month and Evangeline settled in comfortably with her new friends. She caught on easy with the tricks of her new trade. She was taught how to easily lift a wallet from any pocket. They worked in pairs.

It was the way of life she grew accustomed to. She no longer lived or belonged to the finer side of life.

Now she had a real family that cared more for her in her struggles then the rest ever did.
She was taught to have a keen eye and to be quick about her movements.
She learned from Tonk and Phoebe many things.

There eyes looked at one another nervously. Their target was a drunk man coming out of tavern. He could barely stand but he was very well dressed. They inched closer and watched as his friends chuckled pulling him up on his feet.

He sang and clung to his friends while loosing his footing and slumping to the floor again. She could hear Phoebe and Tonk giggle at the mans drunken wobbles and hiccups as he continued to sing poorly.

Inching closer, on Tonks shout they ran quickly shoving the men into each other and snaking their hands into their coat pockets. The men shouted and cursed.

Phoebe screamed loudly she got one then bolted hollering for them to hurry. Breathing quickly Evangeline tried to search but one of the men did not seem drunk enough and quickly caught her by the wrists. Fighting and pulling away she heard Tonk shout as well.

Trying to run they saw Evangeline struggling with one of the men. Running back they aided her in escaping prying his hands from her wrist. Falling backwards she scrambled to her feet out of his grasp as the other man stumbled to his feet. Quickly they ran away. And run they did as they dodged oncoming carriages they turned off into a dark alley and continued until they were far out. Breathing heavily they neared the edge of a building and stopped.
The cool night air quickly cooled their clammy skin and heated faces from the fright and fast run.

"Christ, that wa' close" Tonk panted.

Looking at Evangeline he turned to her.

"You OK?"

She nodded not able to speak trying to catch her breath as she slid down the wall and placed her elbows on her knees.

"That was scary" Phoebe panted.

"We better go." Evangeline whispered breathlessly.

They continued their walk in merry chat and laughs.

By the next few days they were in and out of mischief so much that officials were aware of the menacing street urchins.

By months end, the time was getting chillier. Christmas was upon them and like any child or family it was the season for great joy. But they for one did not have anything to rejoice in.

They sat on Phoebes cot with their heads cocked to the sides mimicking the stance of a sloppy pine tree and watched as Jobbins fought to straighten the gangly dilapidated tree he "claimed" he found on the road. But they knew he probably stole it from some pore sop taking it home to his family and in the struggle... off came the leaves, a couple of branches and there stood before them what appeared to be the remains of the scuffle a......tree....

"Looks like its had better days..Jobbins," Travis snickered turning to join them on the cot.

They giggled as they watched him manhandle the unruly tree that just kept leaning to the side.

"Bloody tree won't stay straight," he huffed.

They thought the view very comical and continued to laugh at his expense.

Christmas came and left and as the weather worsened they went out very little. Jobbins and Travis patched up the hut as best they could just to keep the snow out and a bit of the cold. During the night they shivered mercilessly and hovered close to the small fire.
Ever so often she could here Phoebe cough.
It was alarming she recognized it and it worried her.
By the weeks end as they all awoke and Phoebe still lay in bed her suspicions were right.
Phoebe was very ill.

She stayed in and took care of her. Kept her covered and near the fire. But, it did not help. She was burning with fever, pale and lethargic. They force fed her broth but nothing stayed down.

" She needs a Doctor.," Eva cried to Travis.
Slowly he stood and knelt beside her placing his hand above her forehead.

He knew she was very weak and may not make it.
Shaking his head the lump grew in his throat.
"No Dr. Is going to come and attend to her lass. I am afraid she is very I'll there is nothing we can do."

Shaking her head she refused to believe it.

She stood. Determination etched on her eyes. She was going to save Phoebe if she had to rob every person or home...she could find. With that thought she stood and pulled on her bonnet jabbing her unruly curls in it. She turned to walk out but was stopped.

"Wait lass where are you going?" Jobbins stopped her.

She turned to look at him with tears in her eyes.

"We have to do something, we can't let her die. We need something of value so we can pay a physician" she spoke anxiously.

Turning she ran out. They turned to look at each other.

"I am going wit her," Tonk said standing.
They left in the dark freezing weather.
A plan in tow ready to be executed.

Anxious eyes watched and looked around at the empty estate grounds. Its seems as if now one was home.
It was their fourth home they got to noticing the others had parties and occupants in and out of the homes.

She was so nervous her heart raced hard in her chest. She began to feel nauseous with fright. She has gone from pickpocket to home invader.
Mustering up the courage she looked at Tonk.

"OK I need you to stay watch for me," she said.
Tonk nodded and looked at the manor.
"Don't take long," he begged.
The ice cold air made them both shiver.

Pulling away from the nearby wall she quickly ran across the front lawn towards the side of the manor. The sides had carefully cut bushes and one or two flowers she accidently stepped on. The nearby window was close enough to reach. To her surprise it was not locked.

With a soft click pulling it open, she pulled herself up through the window into the dark room. Heart racing with the unknown, she slid to the floor with a soft thump. Looking around she tried to focus in on her surroundings. She noticed statues stood at a far distance. Looking to her side she saw books on the floor. She quickly made use of the time to search for something of value.

Inching forward she stubbed her toe letting out whimpered gasp nearling tipping over a table with porcelain jar.
In a blink of an eye she caught it before it fell. Turning to place it on the small table, she never saw the tall figure standing by watching her. She never saw him stand to get the near by box of matches. All she heard was a deep voice and the swish of a match being struck on its box.

"Have you found what you're looking for"

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