~Last kiss~ part 2

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She lay awake in the dark staring at the ceiling. Its been long since the house quieted down and all retired for bed. Sleep eluded her. For as much as she willed her heavy lids to close and embrace sweet slumber she could not.

Her mind replayed the images of what happened between her and Adrian, they were vivid in her dreams as the day they occurred.

Memories of a few nights before burned in her mind. She had been in her room reading by her window when she'd glanced out. Adrian stood with one hand resting on the iron railing and the other held a glass of amber liquid. He sipped from it and continued to stare out into the nights sky.
He wore nothing but his breeches. He was magnificent. All hard muscle beneath dark , olive skin, broad shoulders , well defined chest, rippled stomach. He slowly turned to lean against the veranda and as if knowing she was there his eyes met hers. They held each others gaze for sometime. She reached her fingers up to the cool glass slowly and touched it wishing she could touch him.
His eyes looked at her as if they were burning into her soul.

But then her eyes caught the slim silhouette of a woman that joined him on the balcony. Alicia.
He quickly turned to face Alicia as she gave a sultry smile, reached up to caress his face and he fell into her embrace followed by a passionate kiss. She watched helplessly as Adrian turned into Alicia's arms and ushered her away from the veranda where they disappeared into their private heaven.

She shuddered as the sudden dip in her hearts rythmic beat jarred her back to the present. Dashing away a single tear, she turned her face into her pillow to drown out the onslaught of her cries. She was so foolish and wrong for starting this all. There was no way she could compete with a woman like that.


They sat down for breakfast in the dinning room. She forced her mood to be as bright and as cheerful as Caroline's. She schooled her features well even when Henry their butler announced the arrival of Alicia.

Her nerves grated down her back as she watched her saunter gingerly into the dining room. She placed a sweet kiss on Adrian's lips before thanking Henry for pulling out a seat for her to sit. She was joining them.
How lovely.

The morning conversation carried on as if they were all use to it. There was no hint that any thing was wrong. Adrian sat back and observed beneath hooded eyes as the women talked and smiled at one another.
He glanced lightly over Evangeline as she politely spoke to Alicia and smiled beautifully with Caroline.

His gaze broke away from them the moment Henry appeared at his side with a note. Nodding and thanking him Henry turned and left.

He studied the letter and smiled.

"What has you so happy brother,?" Caroline asked sweetly.

Putting it down he regarded her.
"We have been invited to The Westerly's Ball"

Caroline squeeled joyously. Breathlessly she explained it would be quite the event and mayhap even better than their last. It was a splendid event with music, dancing, games and hunting.

He watched as Evangeline smiled with Caroline. Her eyes met his over the long table and quickly turned her attention to Caroline's as she gasped.

"What will we wear?" She looked quickly to Adrian.

Slouching back he chuckled at his sisters dismayed look.

"Henry will escort you both to buy whatever you need," his eyes rested lightly on his sister then to Evangeline as she shyly lowered her head.

Squealing with delight she rose from her chair rounded the table and wrapped her arms around him placing a loving kiss on his forehead followed by a strong hug.

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