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America's pov

Russia's snores drifted through the air. I sighed and got out of bed. I looked at myself up and down in the mirror. Scars littered everywhere, toned muscle marked with blue star-shaped freckles and red stripes of uneven thickness and distances apart, stray hickies drunk Russia and sober Russia had left, feminine figure, and beneath all of that lays a man that still hasn't had his morning caffeine.
I don't get how it takes hickies more time to heal than a reopened wound. I believe it's something about claiming me or something like that. So that major wounds and injuries caused by outside factors heal quickly, but whatever Russia does, like a hickey, it slows the healing process to show that I have been claimed and that I have a mate.
But that's stupid. I don't belong to anyone or anything.

I walked downstairs to find Kazakhstan sprawled out on the floor passed out. His large golden wings were spread across the floor. To my surprise, there wasn't a huge mess. I walked over to the couch and grabbed a throw pillow and placed it under Kazakhstan's head. He didn't even twitch when I manhandled his head. I then poured three glasses of cold water. I placed one on the coffee table with pain meds for Russia's littlest brother. The other I placed on Russia's night table, with pain meds. And I poured the last one on Russia's head.

"Ah! What the hell was that for?" Russia's English was barely comprehensive. He sprung up out of bed with a soggy white main of hair.
"I am a man of my word, Russ. And payback for all the hickies drunk you gave me," I stated in a dead voice. His eyes reflected the smallest hint of shame.
"Did I do anything to you? I swear to God if I did I'll never have another sip of vodka," sincerity and guilt ran through his voice. I chuckled and ran my fingers through his damp hair.
"No, no. You were quite the gentleman. You called me 'pretty man' all night. You took care of me after I got sick. We made out for a while and gave me some hickies. You even wanted me to top because you 'wanted to feel pretty inside' you were pretty persistent on that," I smirked and places a quick kiss on the tip of his nose, "but I distracted you by talking about kids."
"Oh," a harsh blush was noticeable on his face as he just realized that he wasn't wearing anything and I was only in boxers. He quickly covered himself with blankets. I shrugged, "Not like I haven't seen it before." That made his face almost completely red.

"Well, what did we discuss about kids?" he bashfully asked, avoiding my gaze. I chuckled in response.
"You were just daydreaming about having a large family. Baby-names. How you can't wait to hold a tiny baby that I made," my soft words must've been music to my mate's ears. He smiled and held me close. He kissed one of the marks that he had left last night with a smile on his lips and the deep bruise faded a little.

"I love ya, you little fluff ball," I smiled at him. With love-filled eyes, the large male gave me a gentle kiss before picking me off his lap and placing me on the bed as he got up.
"I love you too. Now, I'm gonna take a shower. I won't be apposed if you joined me," Russia smirked with eyes filled with mischief.
"I'll pass, but thank you for the offer. I actually have a check-up with Belarus, so hopefully, she's not too hangover," I answered.
"Oh, okay then. Good luck." He walked to the bathroom.

I sighed and played with my fingers.
Okay, America, it's okay. It'll be fine. I tried to reassure myself.

We all know it won't be "okay."

"What the hell? Since when could you read my thoughts?" I whispered cautiously.

I can't, but am I wrong?

Yes. Yes, you are, little man.

How dare you Yankee.

I could only imagine them fighting in whatever hell they are in.
"Both of you shut it," I growled. I got dressed in warm attire and headed to Belarus's house and knocked on the door. Surprisingly, she opened the door bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

"Meri! Come on in," she beckoned. I stepped into the modest household. The Healer gave me a cup of herbal tea, which I gratefully accepted.
"Sorry, that Birdy passed out at your house. I couldn't get him out the door. Canada had to swing by and get Raine. I can clean up later," her soft, caring voice was smooth and gently glided through the air. 
"No, no, it's fine. Thank you for seeing me," I said, glancing to the side.
"It's no issue at all. I enjoy your presence. Typically I only hang out with my weird brothers," she rolled her eyes in the last sentence. I chuckled, "I enjoy your presence too." I smiled. She returned it flawlessly.

"Oh! Please sit down," she led me to the couch. There was a large animal pelt hanging off one corner of the worn leather couch. I sat down on the, rather comfy, couch and sipped on the delicious tea she had made. Bela sat in the chair across from me.

She crossed her delicate, jean-covered legs and began, "So, your test results from last night are back." She looked me dead in the eyes. Her once friendly, bubbly demeanor was drowned by her professional practice. My body stiffened in fright.
"What does it say?" I dreaded the answer. She shifted uncomfortably in her wooden chair. She opened her mouth but soon closed it. After what seemed like hours she finally answered, "It's positive."

Those two words would change my life.

Tears started to gather in my eyes.

I've always wanted this, but not now. Everything is just perfect the way that it is. I don't want anything to change.


Belarus's voice woke me up from my haze.

"How am I supposed to tell Russia? My family? I. I don't think I'm ready yet," my voice cracked.
Bela got up and sat by my side.
"I can't promise everything will be okay, but I can tell you with certainty that Russia and your family all love you unconditionally. I'm sure they will go to every extent to make sure you are happy. We both know Russia will at least," she tried to comfort me with her kind, reassuring words almost convinced me.
She opened her slender arms for a hug. I embraced her for what couldn't have been more than a minute before getting up.

"Um, thank you for telling me. I should go find my mate to tell him the news," I said somberly. My eyes darted around the room before nodding at Bela and walking out of her home to find my mate.


I find it kind of weird that I am lower in the rusame stats, even though I have more veiw-vote ratio than some of the trending books rn.
It's okay though.
Just weird how this app rates stuff.

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