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Okay, so that picture above is what the new cover art is gonna look like. I might change something, but it's almost done (by yours truly :,D)

"Hey Canada," Russia said calmly as if he wasn't pinning me on the bed. Canada just looked at me then back at Russia with eyes wider than the moon. I could tell that he couldn't process the information.

Russia crawled off of me with a noticeable blush. I'm most likely redder than he is.
"I think we broke him," Russia mumbled under his breath. I giggled.
"What, huh. Did you- you did?" Canada blurted out incoherent sentences.

"Did- did you mark my brother??"
Russia looked at me and wiped some saliva he left behind on the mark. Russia then looked at Canada dead in the eyes and said, "Yes."
I saw my little brother's protective side shine as he cocked back his fist and walked towards Russia.
I sat up with a painful protest from my body.
"Canada. Canada!," I yelled at him. He stopped and held my face in his hands.
"What did he did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Did you say no to him?" he riddled me with questions.
"Maple. He asked me if I wanted to be his mate because without one I would die within the week, but with one I have a fighting chance." Canada opened his mouth to speak, but I put a finger to his lips.
"He said he wanted to protect me and that he wouldn't use me. Russia wants me to be safe. I agreed to become his mate. I'm okay." I said almost like I was scolding him.
Canada glared at Russia before poking his finger in the alpha's chest. Russia continued to look at my brother dead in the eye with an unamused expression.
"If you hurt my brother in any way, I will end you in the most gruesome way I can think of," Canada growled. Russia still seemed to be unfazed.
"I don't plan on hurting him in any way, so don't start planning about that," Russia said. I just sat there awkwardly looking at the tall men glare at each other.

"Who knows about this? Did you ask our mother if you could mark him? Isn't their approval important to your pack-born culture?" Canada asked.
I'm actually curious about their culture now. I haven't thought about that before.
Russia sighed. "I didn't ask his mother exactly, but I told her my plan to keep Amerika safe, healthy and happy for the rest of his life." He rested his hand on my shoulder. A light blush dusted my cheeks and I looked down at the sheets of the bed.

"But are you gonna be loyal to him, or break his heart?"

My body froze.
I dreaded the answer. I know that he just marked me to keep me safe, but. I can't help but hope that he will only be with me.
It's taking him a while to answer.
Canada was during holes into Russia with his emerald green eyes.

"I. I just want Stars to be safe and happy," Russia replied. "So if that happiness means only having him makes Amerika happy, then, I will."
I couldn't help but smile and look at my arms. I could feel Russia's blue eyes stare at me.

Canada opened his mouth to speak once again but got cut off by a screech. Russ squeezed my shoulder as we all looked at the door to see... my mother.

"Oh mon Dieu, vous l'avez marqué. (oh my God, you actually marked him)." My mother babbled in her native language.
I sighed ready to be scolded or smothered by my mother. Instead, I was met with a large warm hug. I hugged her back.


I'm so sorry for the short update and spelling errors. I have been super busy with my school work, job, and my life in general has been

I might speed up the story a little bit so yall don't have to read another filler chapter and I don't have to write another filler chapter and feel unmotivated afterwards.

But as a wise goddess (me) once said, "I am a garbage fire, but I'm a classy garbage fire, like it was lit with a Bath and Bodyworks candle."
"Life can go f♡ck itself with a cactus."

Now, have some hot coco and watch the temperature drop from 40° to 23° within the hour.

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