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France's pov

"Okay, Miss France!" The memorable person excitedly exclaimed.
She stood on the opposite side of the stainless steel table.
I gave her a mean smile before frowning again. I couldn't look at her. I can't believe she used to be a friend inside of these walls.
"I heard about your son, America. I am so sorry about your loss," her soft voice was nearly comforting.
I didn't say anything in response.

"Um. Actually, for this sort of 'experiment'." She finger quoted. "I thought it would be a good idea to explore the effects of therapy on a devastating loss-"
"So did you have my son killed for this wicked experiment?!" I yelled at the taller woman. She flinched at my words and looked like she was cut.
"Of course not! I heard about his death and your capture and thought about how a mother shouldn't suffer through such a tragedy. I went to the board and got my idea pass to try to help you," the sincerity in her voice was impossible to fake.
My body started to relax in the cold chair that was bolted onto the floor.

"How can I get better when I know the rest of my pack is suffering?" I looked into the woman's deep blue eyes.
"I'm doing the best I can to ensure your pack's safety." She smiled. She had one of those perfectly contagious smiles that made me smile, despite the internal turmoil raging throughout me.

"Thank you, Netherlands."

"Anything for an old friend."

Finland's pov

The questions they asked me started basically. "Where were you born? How were you raised? What is a typical day for you? Your role in the pack? Any traditions?" And then started to get strange. "When/what age did your parents die and why? What is your ideal mate? How often do you get sick or injured? Do you consider yourself evil? How long were you with your mate before you impregnated her?"

I have a question for them.

What the fuck?

They didn't do much besides the questioning before returning me to Estonia.

After being released I ran up to her and gave my mate a tight hug. The small woman only giggled.
"What did they do to you?" I interrogated her. She giggled again.
That's good, right?
"They did a few ultrasounds of the baby, asked me some questions, and put me here," her voice soft, as always.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding
"Did they say anything else?"
"They'll just measure the growth of our baby, that's it."
"What are the strings?"
"The man said that because they don't get too many babies, they will measure our baby's normal growth with their biological parents." She was excited.

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