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Okay, a lot of this is gonna be translated, so at one point, the text is going to be italics, and that's just going to be Russain.

Once again, I was ushered into another room, but this one was different. It looked like a normal room. Actually, it's more like an apartment. The door I came in through must be the little living area. It was an open concept, a couch on a carpeted portion on the right of the room with a book shelf stocked with books and magazines. The middle of the room had a table and some chairs on hardwood floors, no decorations. The left of the room was a small kitchen with a fridge and stove. On the wall, there was another door, cracked open. All of a sudden, I could smell the scent of a young omega.

"Hello?" I called out, only to be met with silence. I sighed and decided to move further into the room, pushing open the door on the other side.
The wooden door opened to a bedroom. The bed was small with one nightstand with a lamp. The light in the room was turned off, but by the strength of the scent, I could tell someone was in here.
"Hi, um, I'm turning on the light, so you may want to cover your eyes," I softly warned.
I flicked the switch, and the light came on. I heard shuffling on the other side of the bed, and I moved to investigate it.
My suspicion was confirmed by a small girl pressing herself into a ball on the floor, holding her legs to her chest shaking. Her blue eyes portrayed the pure fright she felt.

I smiled and sat down on the wall in front of her, giving the girl plenty of space.
"Hello, I'm Russia. What's your name?" I spoke softly. She only looked confused at me.
"Zdravstvuyte, ya Rossiya. Kak tebya zovut (Hello, I'm Russia. What's your name)?" I translated to my first language. She looked shocked but stayed quiet.
"Vse v poryadke, ya ne prichinyu tebe vreda. U menya samoy yest' doch'. Yeye zovut Ursa (It's okay, I won't hurt you. I have a daughter myself. Her name is Ursa)." I talked to her about my family and tried to make myself the least threatening alpha I could.
Her posture softened, and her shaking stopped.
"Menya zovut Serbiya (My name is Serbia)." I could hardly hear her voice from the other side of the room.
"Privet, Serbiya (Hi, Serbia)," I greeted the girl. "ty znayesh', pochemu my zdes' (do you know why we here)?"
She shook her head.
I nodded and stopped pressing her.

"I'm going to explore the place, okay?" I asked her. She just nodded again.
I got up slowly and made my way to the kitchen. I opened the fridge, and to my stomach's distress, it was empty.
What's the point of a fridge if there's no food in it?!

I sighed and turned to go back to Serbia. There was a quick open and shut to the door. By the time I turned around, there were bags of food by the entrance.

I yelled back to inform the girl that there was food. I inspected the bags and found a note inside one of the cloth satches. I pulled it out and began to read it.

Why, hello, Russia! America said that you were/are a "wonderful" father, so I figured why not toss you to some traumatized child and see if you'd be a good therapist (not like I'm in the business of healing people. I like them a little fearful).

Anyways, here's some food so you won't die of starvation. I personally don't care if you kill yourself out of spite- I'd find that quite funny- but I have a feeling that poor America would break, which would be good for me, but not your little girl.

You're forever mine to torment.

~ China ♡

God, I fucking hate him.

I crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash. The girl snuck out of the room and appeared at my side and stared at the bountiful food.

"Is it poisoned?" She asked, her voice was quiet and hoarse as if she rarely spoke.

I shrugged.

"How long do they plan on keeping us here?"

Once again, I shrugged and started sorting away the food.

Days passed and the shy girl started to reveal more of herself. She was freshly fourteen years old. Her family was killed when she was a little pup. They monitored every step in her life and the amount of stem cells she had. Her exposure to people was limited, so when we were "introduced" it scared her.
She started to warm up to me and I got glimpses of the snarky girl behind the massive amounts of trauma.

The door slammed open. Serbia's eyes widened and teared up. I rushed to get in front of the teen, blocking her from possible harm.

"Mr. Russia, Ms. Serbia, please follow me," the brunette woman from my vitals called from the doorway.

I hesitated before remembering what they would do to my daughter.

I walked to the woman and the bracelets around my wrists bound together like handcuffs. I just grumbled to myself. The woman repeated her demand in Russian and the girl followed suit.

We wove through halls and was abruptly shoved in a room. There was no time for me to turn around and cuss them out before the door snapped shut. Our bracelets demagnetized, free to do whatever with our arms.

"Okay, Alpha Russia, you have a choice to make." The PA announced overhead in a static.
I looked around the room. There was only one object set in the middle of the room.
The lone knife was shiny and gleeming in the white light. Like it was calling my name
"You can either mark her or kill her. You have an hour to decide, or you will both wish you were dead."


For my sexy American sweet peas, happy Independence Day!!

🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🔫 🔫 🔫 🔫


So after this story is done... I think I'm gonna do an enemies to lovers Rusame

It won't be "OMG, I hate you so much, America, you are such a stupid roomie!!!1!" *Russia runs out of the dorm room* *Ame cries and apologizes* *they suck face and confess they have always loved each other and fades to black*

It'll be real fucken enemies.
Multiple murder attempts, angsty, slow burn, with a healthy splash of NSFW >;)

Any feedback?

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