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This may get a little graphic (it won't be that bad), so I'll put a warning when it gets iffy, like this

Belarus pov

I laughed along to something Kaz had just said. His wings fluttered gently. The morning sun made his feathers look like they were made of gold.
I look up to see my oldest brother in a panic. That drew my attention.
"America's wound got infected somehow. I don't know what to do." He looked frantic and desperate for answers.
I got up from my chair and started to walk towards the Healing house.
France's head popped up.
"What's happening to Ame?" she questioned.
"I don't know yet," I answered truthfully.

Russia led me to the room where a pale American was clutching a used-to-be white towel to his torso.
I went to his bedside and Russia went to the other side trying to comfort and keep America awake, but I saw energy slowly drain out of the star-sprinkled county.
"Can you show me your wound?" I asked gently.
He nodded and started to lift up the now red towel.


My eyes widened. The wound was still slowly bleeding at a pace America wouldn't have noticed any symptoms besides drowsiness and soreness. Green tinted skin around the wound and puss leaking out of the semi-healed scar. It was a gruesome sight


I looked at Russia, but he didn't look back. He was looking into America's eyes like they were talking an unspoken language. My brother looked calm, yet scared at the same time. His actions reflected his concern. When I looked into his eyes, they had a spark when he looked America.
There have been many people that we couldn't save and Russia didn't bat an eye when their condition worsened, but not with this male. He cares about him.

"I'm sorry, but I have to put you under in order to try to fix your wound."

The smaller male sucked in a tight breath, then laughed it off.
"I've had worse than this-" his sentence was cut off by a hiss of pain. He clutched at his side.
"Hey, hey. It's okay," he spoke gently.
"You're not the one the got torn open by a fucking cougar," America spat back through his clenched jaw. I pressed a clean cloth on his wound to slow the bleeding more.
America then leaned into Russia like a sturdy tree, putting his head on his chest.
I could see the faint smile on the Alpha's lips as he pet "Stars" hair and wrapped an arm around the smaller one's shoulders giving a gentle, reassuring squeeze.
My heart melted at the sight of Russia being so gentle and caring. It also ached knowing how deviated he would be if America were to pass away.

I went to the cabinets and pulled out the supplies that I needed.
I turned back around to see Russia's arms surrounding the small country carefully, making sure not to touch his wounds. His eyes were closed while he rested his head on top of America's.
It was adorable, to say the least.

I'll find Ukraine first, then I'll start.

America's pov

I tried to ignore the growing pain in my body in Russia's hold. It halfway worked.
I felt a tiny kiss on the top of my head and all of the blood I could spare went to my face.
He hummed slightly. It made my limbs turn into jello.
I didn't know what to do, so I just stayed there in his warm arms.

The voices in my head are silent.

What if I die? I have something, and someone, to live for now.
I whimpered slightly as I thought about all the things that could go wrong.
Bear must've heard it and tightened his hold a fraction and kissed my head.
"It's going to be fine," he whispered, but his already deep voice made it sound more like a soft growl.
"You can't be sure about that." My voice cracked and tears pricked my eyes as reality hit me like a whip. I could die at any moment.
"I will make sure that you'll be okay." he lifts my chin up slightly to make me look into his deep-sea blue eyes.
"I promise." he brought our foreheads together and put his hand to my cheek, wiping a stray tear that ran down my face.

The creaking door made me jolt. Russia sighed and looked at the people in the doorway. My mother, brother, Ukraine and Belarus.
My mother ran up to me.
"Are you okay?" I opened my mouth to answer.
"It's going to be just fine mon petit garçon (my little boy)." She said. She looked concerned and protective. But I guess after years of knowing that your, nonbiological, son was being tortured on a daily basis and there was no way to help him, then out of some miracle, he escapes on his own, then dies just days after being reunited.

"So did you bring them here to say their goodbyes?" I smirked at them tiredly.
"No no. Just to. Uh. See how you are."
Canada looked at me and the white cloth attached to my stomach like a leach.

"How are you feeling?"
I shrugged, "Worthless, wait, I mean weightless."

"Meri, I admire your sense of humor, but is now the time?"
"Yes, it's my coping mechanism."
He sighed and chuckled, "I wonder how you're still... happy go lucky."
"That's me." I laughed.

"I'll have to operate in him soon. Anything to say before I do?" Belarus asked.
"I love you, Amy," Maple said patting my shoulder.
My mother wiped a year firm her eye and said, "I love you as well, my little boy."
"I love y'all too. I won't try to die."
Nada laughed this time.
We said our parting goodbyes and soon it was just Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia.
"Welp, I guess this is goodbye my friend," I said as I laid back and relaxed my aching muscles.
"You're going to be fine."
I cocked an eyebrow at the tallest male in the room.
"I promised," he mumbled. I smiled and lifted up my arms for him as the others prepared to sow me up.
He didn't hesitate much to walk over to me and wrap his large arms around me once again.

"I promised you'll be alright," he said. A quick peck to the scar under my eye made my face warm.

"Are you ready America?" Belarus said while dousing a cloth in chloroform.
Russia leaned back from my hug and smiled at me.


Posted early to wish y'all a spooky halloween!

My dudes, I'm trying to plan this book out and I have like 5 different "plot" points that I want to cover and I have 2 endings that I could do, but I don't know how to tie them all together, so this book will most likely be a little long.
I mean, I'm already 16 chapters in and none of them got laid... yet (this book will be sIn free, fluff only).
I might post some potential ideas for my book y'all can vote on in my Oneshots book, so yeah.

Now, go drink some water (or hot coco)
This is not a threat for legal purposes.

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