
773 28 42

America's pov

I woke up in a rolling field of green grass, and trees surrounding the pretty meadow.
I can't feel anything. I can't remember anything.
Something tackled me.

"...what?" I rubbed my eyes.
13 looked at me with a light in his blue eyes, "You're dead. Like me! Like Connie, like Mom! Join the dead guy gang!" his voice was impossibly loud.
"Wait wait wait wait- I... I'm dead?" my voice cracked. "I- I can't be dead. I have a daughter, Ursa, I can't leave her! I- I can't leave Russ! No no no no no. I can't..." tears streamed down my face.
I curled in on myself.
I can't. No.

"America," a familiar voice called. I looked up and couldn't believe my eyes.
My mom reached her hand down to me. Her mouth was moving, but I couldn't hear words.
"Mom," I whispered under my breath.
She gave the most angelic smile before it faded into a somber expression. When I didn't take her hand- because I was frozen in awe- she sat down beside me.

My birth mother wiped the tears off my face.
"I'm so sorry, turtle. I wish you had more time," her voice was sympathetic. She gradually wrapped her arms around me while I began to mourn my own death.

I need to go back.

I leaned into the tall woman as I wept.
I sniffed as a series of questions came up in my head. "Can I see them again? Can I make sure they're okay? Can I see Ursa grow up?" I asked my mom.
She nodded.
"You can, but you can't do anything. They won't see, hear or feel you, although they may feel your presence. That's it. Not even a ghost's ability to move inanimate objects." She changed her tone to a lighter, more quizzical one, "In fact, I would watch you regularly. And I have to say, I'm proud of you."
I smiled at her before looking around. It was just my mom and 13.
"How can I visit?"
My mom looked confused. "You want to go immediately back? You don't want to visit your ancestors? Have life-long questions answered?"
"Yes!" I yelled. "I don't care about that. I care about my family" I scowled.
The muscular woman looked sad. I sighed.
"Mom, I love you, and missed you, but I have a family I was torn away from. I need to make sure they're okay," I set an apologetic tone.
"Okay." She snapped her fingers and I was back in camp.

My body was in the middle of the camp. Everyone was crying. Except for Russia.
He just stared blankly at one spot near my corpse.

Canada's eyes are dull. My mother hasn't smiled. My father hasn't spoken. Ursa hasn't been wanting to play. Russia is bottling it all up.

My heart hurt when he spilled all of those tears over my letter. I fell to my knees and pleaded with him not to cry over me, but my words didn't touch his ears. I tried to reach out to console him but my hands floated through his face.
"He can't hear you." My mom tried to soothe me by placing a hand on my shoulder, but it only made me weep harder.

Ahhh, yes my funeral.
"Is it weird to attend my own funeral?" I asked my past self.
"I don't think so. It's neat looking at what they did for your memorial," he answered honestly.
13 had his shoulder-length blur and white hair pulled back in a ponytail, dressed in a simple white button-down and black pants, or "trousers" as he likes to call them.
A new person blew a raspberry.
"This is too depressing to have a fun funeral," Con grumbled.
The colonist smirked, "I bet people were having fun at your funeral... dancing on your grave."
Confederate shrugged. "At least someone was having fun, this is downright sad."
"Oh. I wonder why," I gritted the snarky comment through my teeth. "It's not like I've been here for years, found my family, started a family, and made life-long bonds with the people."
He stayed silent.
I can feel something.
"Hey do you guys feel off?" I asked my "brothers."
"Like there's something surrounding us waiting to pounce? Yup. Probably because of the people in the woods," Con shrugged.

They closed in on my family, and I was useless, and they gave in.

They started to lead my pack away and I followed with them for a few moments before 13 called after me.
"States! They're digging you up!"
"What the fuck!" I shouted and teleported back to my grave.
Sure enough. Two people are shoveling the freshly sifted dirt from my place of rest.
"Why the hell are they doing that?"
"I don't know. But I do know they are bringing you back to the hellhole," Con grumbled.

For the next few days, I bounced back and forth from watching over my family to watching over my corpse.

Once we arrived at the facility, I sent Con and 13 to watch my pack and come back to me if something happened.
I walked behind the people that handled my body. Walking through the halls, I'd happen across two other spirits. One just nodded and waved at me and I returned the jester and the other was weeping.

Eventually, we got to a room and the people strapped my body to a table.
There was a table of scalpels and vials near my body.
Instead of cutting into me, they started to suture my wounds.

China's pov


The corpse on the table was strapped down. The team of scientists shuffled around the lab while I stood in place, impatiently tapping my foot.
"I've been waiting for-fucking-ever," I growled.
"Well, I'm so sorry that resurrection is a complicated process. There are many factors at play here. Somehow we reach the soul to the body. Then we need to treat the fatal wounds the second he wakes up- if he wakes up. In general, shut your God damn mouth," the lead scientist barked at me. I snarled at him.
"You do realize that I have the ability to turn you into a vegetable in one movement, correct?" he checked my behavior.
A few more minutes passed before the main event.
"May I do the honors?" I asked NASA with a smirk.
He looked discussed. "Fuck no, prev," he growled out. Then he flipped the switch.
The body twitched and jerked... and then...
It took a breath


Dun dun dahhhhh!

+100k reads


#1 countryhumans


(Yet I'm 100th for rusame somehow 🤨)

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