"The Walk"

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Wow, a message at the beginning...
The thing above is the layout of the camp, so y'all know what I'm talking about and helps as a visual. Sorry this is just a sketch I whipped up within a minute, but I hope it helps.

Grab some hot coco and enjoy.

Russia's pov

I chuckled to myself. I like America. Not like like him, but more in a friend way.
I think.

My thoughts were drawn back to his eyes. They were gorgeous. His eyes reminded me of fire. One was a tiny blue hot flame at the base and the other expanded into the orange flame.

I walked back to my "house" after dropping off a tired America.
I walked to my bedroom and changed clothes. Examining a few scars I've earned in the past.
Some were made out of stupid mistakes.
And pure stupidity.

One scar stood out. It was darker than the rest. Almost black. I had it examined, but they just said it's temporary.
They said that years ago.

I sighed and pulled the covers over myself.
Soon the whisper of the wind lured me to sleep.

I stretched as a warm ray of sun hit my face.
I want to deny that the sun had raised over the mountains, but the blinding light was all the proof that it broke through the sky.
I sigh and accept that I have to get up and start my day.

I get out of bed and walked to my wardrobe. I opened up a drawer to a flannel shirt.
We're resourceful around here, but once every year or two, we have to get supplies from a town, which is more than 100 miles away from our camp.
I put on a worn tank top then, pulled the flannel shirt over my shoulders, and buttoned it up.

I completed my morning routine and headed out the door.
Canada and Ukraine were eating the leftovers from yesterday's feast for breakfast.
"Hey Rus. Wanna come eat with us?" my brother asked.
I've never really had a big appetite, so I'd skip a meal a day.
"No thank you. Next time."
"That's what you always say," Ukraine sighed.
Sometimes I need to eat more, so I won't pass out while I work. Hopefully, today will be laid back. My only plan for "working out" is to take a little walk around the camp and maybe a little bit of the woods with America.
Speaking of which, I should probably check on him. To see if he's okay.

I walk to the healing house and walk to the room he was kept in. I knocked politely and creaked open the door.
My heart fluttered at the lovely sight of Stars resting peacefully. His chest was rising and falling in rhythm, his lips were slightly parted and his fluffy hair was pointing in all directions.
I didn't realize the smile that made its way to my face.
I close the door behind me and walk to the bedside, sitting in the chair beside him.
My hand was drawn to his hair as if it was a magnet.

It's so fluffy.

I didn't realize that I was petting his hair, smoothing it down a little bit. His hair is softer than rabbit's fur. A tiny smile appeared on the smaller male's face. Stars started to purr in his sleep and pushed his head into my hand.
I blushed and silently chuckled to myself.
He's cute.

I just realized what I thought. I didn't say it.
But still.
I mean.
He is cute, but. Like.
It's the truth tho.
My face burned at the realization.

I continued to pet his head for ten more minutes nonetheless.

I looked out the window.
It's almost 12. I've been here for an hour and a half, just sitting here. Running my hand through Stars' gorgeous hair every now and then, but I should wake him up soon.
It feels wrong though.
He looks so peaceful.
But he needs to know where things are around the camp.

I stole my thumb on his cheek gently, mindful of the scar that rested under his eye.
"Stars, you have to wake up," my low whisper came out as an intentional growl.
He jumped up in his bed. Fear glazed his icy blue and flame-like eyes.
"It's just me," I say reassuringly.
His muscles relaxed.
"Oh, hey, Bear."
My face burnt up.
"Th-that's not my name."
"I know. Since you have a nickname for me, I made one for you."
"But why did you choose Bear?"
"You're big, scary-looking, and I bet you're hairy."
I laughed.
He's accurate.

"Do you feel like you can walk?"
"Yeah. I'm a little wobbly, but I feel like I could still walk around with ya."
"Great. When do you want to go?"
"I should probably change my bandages, but after that, I can go whenever." He smiled.
"Sounds good. Do you want me to get Bela or Rane to help change your bandages? You'll probably need more of that ointment."
"Can you do that? I hate to be a bother to them."
I thought for a minute.
"Okay. I'll help you."
"Thanks, Bear." he smiled again. I smiled back and ruffled his hair. I couldn't help but notice a slight blush painted across his face.

I got up and went to the cabinet, pulling out the ointment and the gauze bandages.
America sat up in his bed and undid his button-down shirt wincing slightly at the movements.
A ping of sadness struck me. I don't know why I feel this way. I've been around many wounded individuals, but I've never felt... contented with them.
I looked at the stained bandage before unwinding it from his torso. The more they unraveled the more red bleed through.
My eyes widened.
I glanced up to look at Stars. He didn't meet my gaze. He was too busy looking down at the slow bleeding wound with slightly tinted green skin around it.
He looked at me and smiled awkwardly like this was a minor inconvenience.
"Maybe we should cancel that walk."


*laughs in evil author*

You thought this story was just going to be fluff, eh?
Oooooh have you been mistaken.


Now an uplifting quote so y'all don't completely hate me:

"My life is a lie. Someone has gotta get stabbed"
- Danny DeVito

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