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My fur cloak protected me from the harsh cold as I rapped on my son's door. Russia opened it with a joyful gleam in his eyes.
"Oh France, come in, come in," the large alpha fretted. He stepped aside and gestured me into the house. I gladly walked into his warm home saying cheerfully, "You're too kind to me."
"Please make yourself at home. Amerika will be here shortly, he just took a shower," he explained in a calm, smooth voice.
I took a seat near the fireplace and struck up a conversation with the towering man.

"Anything new to your life, Russia?" I asked. "You seem cheery today. It suits you."
Russia chuckled and shook his head, "No, not really. I'm cheery because your son is an amazing man and continues to bless me with his presence."
It brought an unknown joy to my heart to see Russia talk about America in such a way that expresses his love for the hurt country.
"He is quite unique. Isn't he?" I giggled.
"That's one word to describe it."

America walked down the stairs with elegance. His hair was still damp from the apparent shower he took. The young man was only wearing blue jeans as he strode into the kitchen without noticing me. Scars stood out against his red and white skin. They disrupted the striped pattern on his body. All I could think about was all the pain my boy has been through in his awfully short life.

He turned to the living room slightly, without looking away from the pantry he was going  through, and called out, "Hey Russ, by any chance do you have ginger or turmeric?" By the end of his question, he had looked into the living room and stared at his alpha before looking at me. His face exploded into a blush of embracement.

"While that is my favorite outfit on you, Amerika, I think you should put on a shirt. Out of respect for your mother."
America set his eyes to "death glare" at his mate before running back up the stairs. He soon returned, fully clothed.

"I'm so sorry about that, mother. No one warned me that you were coming," my son bashfully apologized.
"It's alright. I came here to invite you to lunch! It will be hosted at my house around twelve and Ukraine, Canada, and your Father will be there, if you want to join," I cheerfully offered my son. He looked at Russia, only to receive a shrug and an unamused "it's up to you" look.

"We'd love to come. Thank you for inviting us," America answered on behalf of himself and the alpha.
I smiled and clasped my hands together. "Perfect!" I exclaimed. "I look forward to seeing you there. You don't need to bring anything," I clarified.
"Sounds good. Is there any other reason you came over in this cold?" My son asked with a concern-riddled voice.
"Oh, no," I waved my hand in dismissal. "I just wanted to invite my oldest and his partner to a family lunch."
"Okay mother, I believe you. Although technically I'm not your oldest. I'm Britain's- well, the oldest of Britain's that I know of," the slender, tall nation nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. The taller alpha looked at his love quizzingly.
"You're still mon petit garçon (my little boy)." I placed a peck on his cheek before turning and walking toward the door. "Bye, loves!" I yelled behind me as I walked out of the entrance.

Once I walked into my home and into the kitchen I was greeted with the lovely sweet smell of baked goods and the stench of my mate's nervousness. Britain was sat at the kitchen table with a rapidly bouncing leg. I could feel anxiety bleed through him and anxiousness course through his veins.
"It'll be alright, my darling. America is a kind soul," I tried to offer some degree of comfort, although that first sentence wasn't true.

Britain's pov

As the time came to confront America about my shameful parenting, my anxiety grew.
I know I have been a terrible, horrible, disconnected father and person overall.
Over the few months that I've been here my loyalty to the Facility has been dwindling.
I don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to betray Russia, Ukraine, my sons, my mate, my family.

A knock at the door pulled my mind back to the present. The slender woman joyfully opened the door and greeted the four younger men.
"Thank you for having us, France," Ukraine thanked quietly.
"Yes, thank you," the large alpha, my oldest son's mate, politely nodded his head.

France ushered them inside and they spread themselves out  France struck up a conversation with the smaller boy. Russia stood by his side with an amassed look on his face as my mate interrogated his brother. Canada wrapped an arm around his older brother's neck teasingly. Somehow, America's natural strength wasn't altered by all of those experiments. He effortlessly through the taller man over his shoulder and walked right past me to enter the kitchen. America didn't acknowledge me at all while Canada waved at me and swung his feet. The oldest placed the younger in the chair.
"Why must you be so difficult?" The tri-colored country asked. Canada shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Alright everyone, let's eat!" my darling clapped her hands as people started to grab at the various foods. Canada loaded his plate with pancakes and fruit. Russia filled his with ham and croissants, while the rest of us had a little of everything.
"Thank you, mother," America smiled before eating. The largest of us smiled at France in gratitude before sneaking a glare at me. I shamefully looked down at my plate. Everyone started eating their food, and as usual, it was perfect.

An awkward silence washed over the table once everyone devoured their food.
America pulled Russia down and whispered something in his ear. Both looked riddled with anxiety. The alpha's deep blue eyes softened and his pupils dilated. He rubbed his mate's hand. America took in a deep breath.

"I. Um. Have an announcement to make-"
"If you are dying again I'm gonna kill you," Canada waved his fork at his brother. The shorter of the two chuckled.
"No, no. I'm not dying, don't worry. I'm actually- uh. Pregnant," America's strong voice dwindled to a whisper.

France launched herself at her son and wrapped him in a tight hug, crying tears of joy.
"That's wonderful!" Ukraine exclaimed.
"So, Merry. You're a bottom-" I've never seen someone smack someone else as Ukraine slapped Canada at that moment.


It hasn't been above freezing for three weeks... and no where in the future will it be above freezing.


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