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I have a deal for yall...
If this gets 30 votes I'll post extended smut chapters on my oneshot book.
It'll probably be badly written because I am a bi virgin, but still...
Smut for 30 votes

Oh, um, btw this chapter is... um disturbing. Feel free to skip when your least favorite character comes on and come back when I say it's okay ♡

America's pov

I could feel Russia's frustration through the walls. The East Pack has been a little greedy and have been pushing over the agreed upon boarders.

Canada was marveling at the gorgeous baby on the ground playing with wooden animal toys that Russia made her. The large raven was sitting on his perch, grooming himself, minding his business.
I sat next to my brother on the elk hide rug.
"Kids are amazing." Maple said.
I looked over at him.
"Did you tell Raine that you want a few kids of your own?" I asked.
He awkwardly chuckled and played with his hands, his nervous habit. "I mean- yeah. I've hinted at it a lot through out the time we've been together, even as friends but I don't know if he is oblivious or doesn't want any kids. I love him with all of my heart and respect his choices and decisions but I have always wanted children," his words were soft, in hopes his partner didn't hear him. I patted his back to comfort him a little. As I was going to say something but were cut off by our partners came out of the office. Pine gave out a small caw and cocked his head like he was asking a question.

Neither of them looked happy.

But as predicted, the alpha soon cheered up the moment he saw his daughter. Ursa looked up at him and reached out her arms, asking to be picked up by her taller father. Obviously Russia couldn't decline and scooped her up into his arms. Her goofy baby giggles filled the air, making everyone smile, including the stoic shorter man, Ukraine.
Soon as the sweet moment was over, the leader of the North pack became serous once again and looked over at me.
"I need to go to the East Pack for a few days to get everything sorted out."
I squinted my eyes. "But Russ-"
"I know, Stars. I shouldn't take long."
A defeated sigh left me and a stared at the ground. My mate soon sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my waist, the other one still holding our baby.
"Everyone here is either family or friend. I'm sure they'll be more than willing to help you." He gave me a peck on the cheek. "If something happens you can send Pine my way and if I feel something isn't right, I'll head right back, okay?"
I grumbled out, "Okay."
Pine puffed up in pride. He's a cool bird.
"I need to leave tomorrow. I'm so sorry for the late notice but I want to get this over with," Russia's voice was soft and sincere.
Wow. That is late notice.
I smiled at him with a hint of poison. "I'll manage. Okay you big scary alpha, let's go pack your things."
We both got up, put the baby away, and started to pack.

By the next day  Russia and Ukraine left. I thought it was stupid to have both the alpha and head beta be gone just incase it was a sabotage. This left dear old Finland in charge for the next couple of days. Yay.

He'll probably find some way to expell us while he is in power

Overthrough him. Monarchy is overrated


And the cherry on top of it all was that my heat started a day after Russia left. Fucking perfect.
At least this time around I am not that horny because my body is still recovering after having Ursa. Although I would not mind getting railed by Russ.

Here I am now, watching my baby sleep. She's so wonderful.
I sighed, not wanting to move, I sat on the floor and looked out the window. The sun says it's 7pm. I know that I should get whatever energy out of Ursa now before I fo to bed, but I am too tired for that.

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