01┊bro i just wanted a bag of chips

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You were fairly sure you would have never thrown your phone across your bedroom at 3 AM if you hadn't seen that article.

The Coolest Family of Pro Heroes: Meet the Kugisakis'

"We're very proud of our daughter," Your mother said in the interview. As if she had only one child, and you did not exist.

Of course, your parents barely considered you family. How could they possibly consider such an embarrassment family, after all? It would've been better if you had no quirk instead of some useless one.

It made you so angry, the way your parents acted like you didn't exist the minute you were out of their house. Your sister, Maki, still tried to keep in touch, but it had been a long time since you'd replied.

Maki reminded you of what you were supposed to have been. Powerful. Flashy. Charismatic. Kind.

Instead, you'd turned out bitter. Angry. Worst of all, weak.

But for the most part, you tried to ignore those feelings. It was easy to let your emotions get the best of you, so you tried your best to keep them in check. Which is why you didn't finish the article, and instead switched over to TikTok. Memes would calm you down. And cats.

Instead, you got Hero fancams. You scrolled three times before you came across one of your sister.

That was when you decided to throw your phone across the room. Well, you didn't really think about it. You just did it.

How the hell could people idolize them like that, when all Heroes cared about was money, fame, and power? None of them had even a clue of what Heroes were really like underneath all the superficial shit.

You sighed and got up out of bed. If you made any more noise you might just end up getting kicked out of your apartment, so you opted for going on a walk to your local convenience store.

You slipped into a simple hoodie and an old pair of jeans, then grabbed your phone from its place on the floor. Grabbing your earbuds and pocket knife—just in case—on the way out, you quickly got out of your apartment, eager to get some fresh air.

A full moon cast a milky glow down onto everything outside. You shivered a little, shoving your hands into the pocket of your hoodie. It was barely September and yet you were regretting not wearing a coat.

The cool air helped to calm you down, at least.

A bell jingled as you walked through the convenience store door. The clerk didn't even look up. In fact, their eyes weren't open, and there was drool forming on the corner of their mouth.

It occurred to you that if you stole something, you'd probably be able to get away with it.

You grinned. Who cares if it's immoral? If it's a chain it's free-range.

You set off into the store with a pep in your step. Yes, stealing was going to be the perfect coping mechanism of the night.

It was fun looking through the racks of colorful snack bags and bars. You liked tracing a finger over the chip bags. The glossy plastic felt so nice against your fingertips. You decided to look for your favorite chip flavor. It had been a while since you'd gotten some, and unfortunately, the price at the grocery store was way more expensive than necessary.

You became so engrossed in your search for things to steal that you didn't notice another person in the aisle you had entered. You didn't notice until the very last moment when you and the person reached for the same bag of chips.

Both of you jerked your hands back, eyes meeting one another's in an instant.

The person looked like a guy. They were of average height, wearing a black hoodie pulled over their hair and a black medical mask which covered almost half their face. The thing that really stood, though, was their eyes. Not only were they the brightest red you had ever seen, but they were also almost as wide as saucers, staring at you.

"Ah! Uh, sorry!" You chuckled awkwardly.

They stared for a few more seconds. Was there something on your face?

You cocked your head to the side, apologetic.

"Sorry," You repeated, holding out the bag of chips. "I think you got to them first."

They did, but that didn't mean you wanted to give the chips to them. It was only fair, but... it was also the last bag.

They blinked. Shook their head a tiny bit.

"Oh no, um, I'm good. Keep them."


Just before you were going to say goodbye and leave, the person suddenly grabbed your hand. Their eyes seemed to widen again.

Okay, you were beginning to think they were on something.

You yanked your hand away.

"I have to go. Have a good night," You said quickly. Weirdo.

They murmured something from behind you, but you didn't stick around to hear what it was. You had gotten—well—stolen your chips. Now you just wanted to walk around a little and get home.

Shoving your earbuds in your ears, you turned up the music, hoping to drown out your thoughts on what had just happened. It was easy to forget. You figured they were just some crackhead. They had the look down, for sure.

There wasn't that much crime in the area you lived in. There was enough for it to be a generally stupid idea for you to be walking around at three in the morning, but too little for you to think anything would happen to you.

You preferred the night anyway. It was much calmer at night when no one else was awake.

A cold breeze blew through the air, leaving you shaking as you walked. You regretted rounding the corner to take a small detour down a nice alley. It was more of a scenic route, in your opinion, but damn, at this point you were too cold to care.

You turned around to find someone walking towards you at a rapid pace.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit—

They seemed to speed up when they realized you'd spotted them.

You turned around and started running.

You ripped out your earbuds to get more of a bearing on your surroundings. Footsteps were gaining on you. You knew stairs were coming up ahead, which would most definitely slow you down a little. Stars forbid you ended up tripping, a likely ending to your situation.

You forced your legs to keep running, faster and faster. Whoever this person was, they were not going to get their fucking hands on you.

Suddenly, the stairs were right in front of you, and you were running up them for dear life.

It seemed you were too slow, however.

Arms snaked around your hips and pulled you down. Shit! You hit the hard concrete on your back, knocking all the air out of you.

They managed to rip the earbuds out of your phone and, right before your eyes, they disintegrated. Suddenly you realized who the person was.

You grabbed the knife hidden in your pocket and jabbed it into Shigaraki Tomura's thigh. He merely grunted, as if you hadn't just stabbed him.

He grabbed your wrists, pinning them over your head with his forearm.

"My bad," he said, a grin so wide on his face it was clear he didn't really feel bad at all, "This is gonna hurt a little."

He took the knife and retracted it, then raised it high.

The world went dark. 

A/N: first chapter complete!! omg i'm actually posting this AHHHHHH and like,, fr this time!! i posted the first two chapters maybe a month ago but i freaked out and unpublished them after a day lmao. posting is scary asf but worth ittttt

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