07┊stage one

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Shigaraki had left your house and left you equal parts annoyed, and excited, and scared.

Annoyed, because who the hell in their right mind follows someone to their house under the belief that they're soulmates? You figured Shigaraki probably wasn't in his right mind, however, so perhaps it didn't apply to him.

Excited, because you guys were going on a date. You hadn't been on one since high school. And not to mention, despite him following you, you couldn't help but be interested in Shigaraki. Not only did you think him cute, but there was something about him. He'd seen potential in you no one else had, and so far he was still adamant about it, despite your lack of experience.

And scared, because oh fuck, Shigaraki thought you guys were meant to be. You weren't scared of him, rather, you were scared of yourself. Because what if you weren't good enough for him? What if he realized that no, actually, you guys were not meant to be?

This was your first chance in a while at someone who might end up loving you. And you had known for a while that you wanted to be loved so, so badly. But was it even worth it if it ended up not working out? You didn't want to let yourself or Shigaraki down.

You groaned. All your thoughts were racing through your head, and it was beginning to give you a headache.

The next morning you woke up on the couch, a bottle of Advil and a glass of water on the coffee table. You sat up and stretched a little bit, then got up to look for your phone.

When you found it, you realized it was not the morning, but three in the afternoon. Shit! The practice with Shigaraki, Spinner, and Toga would already be starting. You were going to be late!

You texted the group chat quickly before getting ready.

You: OMG im so sorry im gonna be late i woke up late

Toga: jeeeez saki :P lol

Shigaraki: try to get here ASAP

You: i will!!

After half an hour you arrived at the warehouse, panting.

"Took you long enough," Shigaraki grumbled. There was no mention of the night before.

"At least I wasn't an hour late?" You laughed awkwardly.

"Whatever," Spinner said. "Let's get started."

The three taught you some new moves and techniques that day, as well as good ways to use your weapons. It was hard, but practice would surely make perfect. Hopefully. You were a sweaty mess by the end. Just as before, the one-on-one battles went horribly for you. No grazed arm this time, at least.

It was about five when you came home, sweaty and tired. Immediately, you jumped in the shower, eager to clean yourself.

Shigaraki would come over in two hours. Your heart was practically running laps, making you shaky with excitement. And worry.

What the hell would you guys do? Would you guys go anywhere? What the hell were you gonna wear?

You knew he liked video games, and so did you, so maybe you would play video games. You had a lot to choose from since you'd been collecting since high school. Or maybe he'd rather watch a movie? At the moment, there wasn't much by the way of food at your house, so perhaps you would order or grab a bite to eat or something.

Whatever, you thought, we'll figure it out together.

Onto what you were going to wear. Once all dried off and out of the shower, you made your way to your closet. Oh lord, what would you choose?

Nothing super fancy, nothing super out of your comfort zone. But nothing too boring, right? Would Shigaraki even notice what you were wearing?

Fuck it, you were going to pick what made you feel good, and if Shigaraki didn't like it, then that sucked for him.

You opted for your favorite pair of pants and your favorite top, as well as a jacket you really liked. Layers. That was surely a good idea. Right?


There were still twenty minutes left to kill when you had finished getting ready. You sat on the couch, knee bouncing as quickly as humanly possible.

Yeah, sitting on the couch was only going to leave you alone with your thoughts. Not a good idea.

So you sat up and grabbed your speaker. You turned on the music you loved, praying it would help you feel a little better. It did. You danced, you sang, and you almost forgot you were waiting for someone to knock on your door.

That is, till there was a knock on your door.

You practically jumped.

Switching off the music in an instant, you crept up to the door. Taking a deep breath, you opened it. A Shigaraki equally as nervous as you stood there, holding a... bouquet?

You cracked a smile. That was definitely not what you were expecting.

"I knew this was a shit idea," Shigaraki muttered. He held them out awkwardly, and you took them. "Sorry, Kurogiri told me it was a good idea."

"No, no! Don't be sorry, these are lovely," You said. And you weren't lying. It was a very pretty bouquet: red roses, white lilies, pink carnations, and a few others you didn't know the name of. "I'll go put them in a vase. Come in."

You turned to go put the flowers in a vase. From the kitchen, you could see Shigaraki taking off his shoes, consisting of red converse. They were the same bright red as his eyes.

Once finished, you met him at the front.

"So what'd you have in mind for this date?" Shigaraki asked. There was a frown on his face like he was annoyed at you. Had you done something wrong already?

"Um, I was thinking we could grab some food, and then head back here and play video games? I have a console," You said. "Or we can watch a movie or something, I'm down for whatever."

"Let's play video games," Shigaraki said. "What do you have?"

"A lot," You replied. "We can choose when we get home if that's cool."

Shigaraki nodded.

After putting his shoes back on, both you and Shigaraki set out to get food.

"You look nice, by the way," Shigaraki muttered. "Maybe I should've worn something nicer."

"Oh? Thank you!" You grinned. "And don't worry, it's not like we're going anywhere fancy anyway."

Stage one of the date: Complete!

A/N: merry x-mas!! and happy holidays/break in general :DD also recently one and only got 100+ reads which. wow. the fact that this thing is being seen is so cool!!!! i love writing it and hopefully y'all enjoy reading it haha <33 see you soon!

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