10┊stupid people stupid consequences

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They were on each other before Spinner could finish counting down.

Flames erupted from Dabi's fists, attempting to punch Shigaraki, who dodged deftly and went for a counterattack. The issue was that they were both of similar skill level, and neither seemed to care for the other's well-being, or even their own, for that matter.

An ice-hot chill shot up your back when you suddenly realized that Tomura kept attempting to grab Dabi with all five of his fingers.

"They're trying to kill each other," You whispered to Spinner and Toga.

Spinner groaned as if this was a regular Tuesday, completely to be expected. You, him, and Toga ran towards the two and tried breaking up the fight. When you finally managed to get them off each other, Tomura spitting obscenities at Dabi and Dabi staying silent with a shit-eating grin on his face, you noticed the damage done to both men.

You gasped, a look of horror on your face when you saw smoke emanating from where dead skin met healthy skin. "Dabi, you're smoking!"

Dabi winked. "In both ways, I hope."

"Not funny," You snapped, and the smile on his face faded. It threw you for a total loop that nobody seemed to be as freaked out as you were. Looking around, you asked, "Does anyone have a first aid kit?"

"Dabi fucks himself up like this constantly," Shigaraki grumbled, crossing his arms. "Don't baby him."

"I'm not babying him! He needs to get proper burn treatment!"

"Have you seen him? Clearly, he doesn't fucking care," Tomura exclaimed. He began scratching at his neck. Great. Just another person for you to be patching up. "Don't act like you know shit. You've been with us for barely a few days."

Oh, so when Shigaraki follows you home and starts blabbering about soulmates after a few days of knowing each other, there's no issue or overstepped boundary, but when you want to take care of one of your new colleagues? No, no, no, how dare you try to be helpful. You shook your head, deciding to refrain from voicing your true thoughts.

"And? I just wanna be sure he's gonna be okay, otherwise, it's gonna freak me out."

"Nobodies asking you to stick your nose in shit that's not yours. Can't you back off?"

"Excuse me, but I think I would like some treatment, actually," Dabi interjected. His gaze shifted to Shigaraki. "I don't wanna somehow get whatever's making Shigaraki such an ass."

You groaned. "I have a first aid kit at my place. Let's go there."

"Why thank you, Kugisaki."

You smiled, giving him a thumbs up. "We're like, teammates, right? I got you guys."

Dabi nodded and jerked his head towards the door.

"Weird as hell," Shigaraki muttered.

"That's pretty fucking rich coming from you!" You scoffed.

Whatever Shigaraki said next, you didn't hear. You were already out of the warehouse, fists clenched. Dabi caught up to you soon after.

"Is he always like that?" You asked.

"Yeah. Don't take it personally," Dabi replied. "His defining quality is being angry. And an asshole."

You weren't sure about that. It was weird to think the Tomura just then was the same one you had just spent a whole night talking to about video games. Then again, you hadn't yet known him for very long.

The two of you arrived at your apartment soon enough. He followed you into the bathroom, where you grabbed the first aid kit out from under the sink.

Praise the internet, for it had exactly what you needed to know. How to identify the level of a burn and how to treat it. Dabi's burns weren't super bad, just more red where healthy skin met dead skin. From the leathery, purplish skin Dabi had, you wondered how he could possibly handle it. Especially the pain.

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