09┊interlude: shigaraki

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Ashface was going to get the shit kicked out of him very soon, Tomura decided.

He'd immediately been distrustful of the text Dabi sent to the group chat. That man never did anything useful unless it was somehow beneficial to him. Which only spelled out trouble for the session today.

Tomura groaned and clutched the can he'd been holding, disintegrating it instantly. Nothing was going his fucking way lately.

First; you guys had definitely almost kissed right before Tomura left your place, but you'd freaked out before it could go any further. Things had been going so well—you guys talked, you guys had fun, and you even fell asleep on him for fucks sake! Tomura thought he was going to die with how erratic his heartbeat became once you'd fallen into his lap. He tried so hard not to move or react to anything so that you could sleep soundly. Nobody ever got that close to him and lived to see another day.

But then you freaked out when you found out. You didn't seem disgusted or anything—maybe it was that you were scared of him. And again when you stopped whatever almost happened, telling him quickly that you would be "busy" up until training that afternoon.

Bullshit. You didn't have some busy life.

What was he doing wrong? What was he doing wrong already?

It was driving Tomura crazy, he wasn't going to say it to you again, but he knew you two were meant to be. And even by your standards, things were looking that way. You guys had fun. You smiled because of him, in such a way it made Tomura want to start scratching. When you smiled, when you cracked jokes at his expense, when your eyes caught... all of it was so new and so... pleasant? Like he could go on living forever just in those moments.

So why did you turn him away so quickly? Tomura couldn't tell what skill he was missing. He already knew what Kuroguri would tell him, and yet he asked anyway.

"It was only the first date, Tomura," Kurogiri assured. "Overthinking isn't doing you any good. Leave it be."

Tomura only rolled his eyes, muttering "whatever" before sulking away.

Things only got worse.

You and Dabi walked in together for whatever fucking reason. He said something, and you laughed. Fucking laughed. His eyes flickered to Tomura, who flipped him off. That earned a smirk from Dabi, which Tomura was quickly considering "accidentally" disintegrating during combat.

Fuck you. Fuck Dabi. None of it mattered at all, not one bit.

Things went just like they usually did, only with Dabi in the mix. Every snarky comment or scoff or eye roll or breath of air overheard was only adding to the anger Tomura felt.

But nothing compared to when you and Dabi fought.

It ended with him sitting on top of you, little sparks lighting around his arms and eyes and neck. What was this, the intro to some shitty porn scene? It was making him nauseous. Dabi's eyes flickered to Tomura when it happened, and then Tomura knew Dabi's true purpose for being there. To fuck with him. Of course.

"How about me and Dabi go head to head?" Tomura tried to sound casual while he glared at Dabi. "We'd be a good example for Kugisaki."

"No objections here," Dabi replied, smug as ever. "I was thinking the same thing."

The two glared at each other.

Toga clapped her hands together. "Great! Let's see, come on!"

You went over to sit next to Toga and Spinner, a little smile on your face when you nodded to Tomura as you passed by him.

Tomura wasn't just gonna defeat Ashface. He was gonna fucking kill him.

A/N: hahahahahaha. ha. hello to all of you who've been following 'one and only'! another chapter after.... um.... three months.... oops. but i'm definitely back now! and i mean that 100 percent!! <3

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