06┊interlude: shigaraki

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Tomura told himself that he was following you home for the sole purpose of making sure you were okay. After the disaster with Himiko, he just had to. In fact, if he didn't, what kind of a leader would he be?

Absolutely there was no other reason.

So he followed you at a safe distance to your apartment, growing angrier by the second at the sight of you clutching your grazed shoulder. Himiko was crazy, but this time around Tomura wasn't going to let her off the hook. Not when it involved you.

About ten seconds after you went into your apartment Tomura went in after you, disintegrating the lock to get inside. Never had he been so grateful for carpeted stairs. His footsteps were almost completely silent.

Then Tomura realized he had nothing to hide behind in the hallway, in case you looked his way. Which was likely.

You stopped at one of the apartment doors. In a split-second decision, Tomura went to a door on the side opposite yours, a few doors down.

He kept an eye on you out from where he stood. When you got the door open, he walked over swiftly. Just as you tried to close it, Tomura shoved his foot between the door and the baseboard.

Your eyes snapped up immediately, panic drawn onto your face in an instant. It softened, though, when you realized who was at your door.

Tomura thought it was so cute.

"Shigaraki! What are you doing out here?" You exclaimed. Then, lowering your voice to a whisper, "What if someone sees you?"

Tomura shrugged. "Can I come in or no?"

"Uh, yeah," You said, gesturing for him to step in, and he did. "How did you even find me?"

Tomura said nothing as you closed the door.


"You're smart enough to figure it out."

You were silent for a moment, then your eyes widened.

"You followed me?!" You said, voice rising. "That's kinda creepy."

"I don't think you understand, Kugisaki," Tomura said, stepping closer to you. You didn't understand yet, but you would. He'd just have to explain it. "We're meant to be."


"Don't you think it's crazy that you're the only person alive who could ever get close to me? Is it really just a coincidence, us meeting?" Tomura asked. "I think it's fate."

"I think you've been thinking way too much about this."

"Please, Kugisaki," Voice shaking slightly, he had drifted so close there were mere inches between the two of you. "I'm right, aren't I? Right?"

"No! I barely know you!"

"But you will!"

"Dude, can't you just—just ask me on a date first!" You practically yelled. Your eyes quickly widened at what you had said, and you looked away.

Both of you stayed silent for a moment.

"A... date?"

"Yes. A date. So we can get to know each other."

Okay, so maybe he couldn't just explain why they were soulmates. Fuck, why hadn't he thought about a date?

Tomura groaned, angrier with himself than anyone else. "Fine. When?"

"I don't get why you're mad about this."

"I'm not! Just tell me when you want to go on this date, damnit."

"Fine! Um, seven. Tomorrow. Here. Okay?"


"Great," You grinned. "See? That wasn't so hard—ow!"

You winced, clutching your shoulder. Tomura cursed under his breath.

"It's fine," you assured. "Just a little," you winced again, "gash."

"Shut up. Where do you keep your first aid kit?"

"You don't need to—"

"I'll find it myself, then."

You rolled your eyes and motioned for him to follow you with your good arm. You led him to the bathroom.

"It's under the sink," you said, flipping the toilet seat down so you could sit on it.

Tomura kneeled down and opened up the cabinet. It reeked of bath salts and cleaner, but in the far back, he located the first aid kit.

He had a little experience with cuts and gashes. He'd watched Kurogiri patch him up before, and even done it a few times himself.

It was more on your upper arm and wasn't too deep, thankfully. All Tomura would need to do was clean it, disinfect it, and bandage it.

He went through the motions, taking care not to hurt you in any way. Every time his fingers brushed against your skin his heart exploded and his mind got a little foggy. It took everything in his power not to hug you, now that he realized he would have to take it slower.

Although it annoyed him, you were right about not knowing yet, or whatever.

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