05┊spinner stfu challenge

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"I have a good feeling about this guy's group," Twice said. "We're fucking doomed!"

He'd just finished telling you guys about Overhaul, a man who was the leader of an old gang.

"So they're yakuza, then?" Magne asked, but it was more of a statement. She smirked, putting a fist to her hand. "Great."

Twice nodded. "He wants to meet us next week Thursday."

"That's... nine days from now," Shigaraki said. "It's enough to teach Kugisaki some stuff too. In case the meeting ends up going badly."

Spinner scoffed but tried to cover it up by coughing.

Just what the hell was his problem with you?

Your eyes flickered to Spinner's, and you glared. He returned it.

The meeting finished up quickly. It was decided that Shigaraki, Toga, and Spinner would always help you train in the days coming up to the meeting, mostly due to their abundance of free time. Anyone else could come if they felt like it. To be honest, you were surprised Spinner had even accepted his role. Or even been seemingly content about it, for that matter.

For whatever reason, he didn't like you that much. Maybe you would find out, maybe you wouldn't. Either way, you told yourself it didn't matter to you. You didn't have to be liked all the time. It was fine.

You showed up the first day dressed in the clothing you thought would be appropriate. Plus, you brought your small amount of weapons. The pocket knife and pepper spray weren't much, but they would certainly help. Of course, you weren't planning on actually using it on any of them.

Only Shigaraki was there at first. You waved as you walked over to him.

"Hey," you said. "Where are the others?"

"They'll be here soon," Shigaraki replied. "I hope."

You nodded.

Silence followed. You weren't really sure how to continue the conversation, or even what you two would talk about since you didn't know Shigaraki that well yet.

Then you remembered your missing pocket knife.

"Do you still have my pocket knife?" You asked.

"Your—what?" Shigaraki squinted at you.

"You took it from me after I stabbed you," You elaborated. "You know... when you kidnapped me."

"Oh, yeah," Shigaraki said sheepishly. "That. Um, I lost it."

"You what?" You gasped. "That was like 10,000 yen!"

Shigaraki narrowed his eyes at you. "Okay?"

"What the hell do you mean 'okay'?! You owe me 10,000 yen."

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have stabbed me."

"I wouldn't have stabbed you if you hadn't been trying to kidnap me!" You exclaimed.

Shigaraki smiled.

You glared at him. "You think this is funny?"

"Yeah," He said. "You're kind of—never mind."

"I'm what?" You crossed your arms, expecting.

"Never mind," He repeated. This time, he looked away from you, frowning. There was a blush creeping up onto his pale face.

You stepped closer to him. "No, tell me."

"Uh," He said. "You're, um, you're cute. When you're mad."

It was your turn to blush.

"You—you still owe me 10,000 yen."

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 | t. shigaraki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now