13┊maki kugisaki

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You awoke on the couch, extremely warm and snuggled right next to Toga, who was still sleeping. You sat up and winced, slamming your eyes shut from the sunlight piercing them. It was then you realized that there was a terrible pain in your head, and you groaned.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," you heard Dabi say, and you turned to face him, opening your eyes. Someone scoffed from behind you. Dabi was leaning against the living room entrance, arms crossed.

"Is there any ibuprofen around here?" You asked groggily.

"In the kitchen, maybe," Dabi replied. "Hangover?"

"Yep," You said. "Go get me some, and some water too."

"Only if you say please," He teased.

"I'm not in the mood."

Dabi rolled his eyes and left without a word, footsteps headed towards the kitchen.

When you turned back to survey the room you realized Tomura and Spinner were both on the short end of the couch, playing some card game. Tomura barely spared you a glance, which sort of made you want to punch him. For how long was he going to keep this grudge?

The group decided to take a break from practice that day, considering everyone but Toga was suffering from varying levels of hangover. Worth it, but whatever. Your memories of the night before were blurry, but as you went home and went about your day, you began to pick up the pieces.

You remembered everything well until you started drinking. But you were beginning to remember Magne trying to get you to stop playing Monopoly. And when you said you want to go on a walk Dabi volunteered to go with you, which was a little strange, since he wasn't the helpful type.

And on the walk... oh... what had happened?

You couldn't remember just yet. The memory would come to you later, probably (hopefully)—it's not like you were completely blackout drunk. But if the memory didn't then you would just have to ask Dabi. No big deal.

As you were walking home, you heard your phone chime. You stopped and pulled it out of your pocket.

(1) New Message: Maki

Just checking in. hope your doing ok

Sighing, you opened up the DM conversation. You couldn't avoid her forever.

You: i'm fine. busy couple weeks but yeah i'm down for coffee tmrw

Maki: Great! at 10?

You: 11

Maki: Awesome. love you

You grimaced as you wrote the next message.

You: love you too

You didn't actually hate your sister. Of course, you really did love her. In truth, you were just jealous. She was the golden child, who got all the love and attention for being powerful. As much as you no longer liked your parents, you still found yourself wishing they loved you like they did Maki. But even then, they only loved her for one reason: her ability to make the family name look good.

Ever since you moved out you'd been trying to distance yourself from your family; even more so after becoming a Villain. Your parents seemed to be doing the same thing, evident in the fact that the last time they ever texted or called was well over two years ago before you'd even moved out.

Your sister, however, texted you at least once a month. She'd always consistently tried to stay in your life. And you couldn't lie about that truth making your heart warm up every time you thought about it.

So the next day you woke up at nine-thirty, and you showered, you brushed your teeth, you picked out a cute (and weather-proof—Maki liked to sit outside) outfit, and set off on your seven-block-long journey to the cafe. It had been your regular meet-up place since you were in high school and she in middle school.

Maki was already there when you arrived, sitting at one of the outdoor tables. Even though it was busy and the cafe was on the larger side, Maki was quite easy to spot. Outside of school, her wardrobe made her look like the human equivalent of saltwater taffy—bright tops, bright skirts, bright shoes, bright makeup. Everything about her was light and impossible to go unnoticed.

The instant she saw you she was running over to hug you, a huge smile etched into her face. You guys greeted each other and she led you to the table where she was sitting, food and drinks already ordered. The two of you knew each other's favorite dishes like the back of your hands, just like everything else about one another.

"So, how's life?" Maki asked you, resting her chin on her hands. Suddenly you felt uncomfortable with the weight of her gaze; like she was trying to pick you apart from just your body language. What was up with her?

"What? You're not gonna tell me all about yours first?" You joked, trying to ease the sudden tension. Usually, during these meetings, Maki told you every single thing that had happened (in detail) since the last time they talked, so for her to ask you how you were first, well, that was cause for concern.

"It's always the same," Maki smiled. "You know. Boyfriends and good grades and all."

"So is mine," You replied. "But no boyfriends. Just work and video games."

Maki's brow furrowed. "Are you still working at the same place?"

"Yes?" You answered untruthfully, confused by the look on her face.

"Really, because I actually went to surprise you on your lunch break a couple of weeks back only to find out you haven't been showing up. That you got fired and never even responded to the email they sent you."

Oh shit. "Okay, so I stopped going to work. What's it to you?"

"I'm worried, that's all."

"I've been really busy lately."

"With what?"


"Be honest with me. Are you depressed?"

"What? No!" You exclaimed. "I swear Maki, I'm fine."

"Then what's going on with you?"

"Like I said, nothing."

"No, you said you were busy."

"I don't really wanna talk about it, okay?"

"You never want to talk about yourself."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Yes! Because it makes me feel like I'm not your sister anymore!"

You said nothing in response. Shiny tears welled up in Maki's eyes.

"Ever since you moved out, we've talked less and less. You barely text me back, let alone text me unprompted. We meet less and less too. I haven't even seen your apartment!" Maki sighed. "I feel like I don't know who you are anymore."

"Oh," You replied. Your stomach hurt like you'd been sucker-punched by guilt itself. "I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"Yeah," she sniffed. "I guess not if you've been 'really busy lately' or whatever."

"I never wanted you to feel like you were a stranger, I promise. You're my sister. I'm always gonna love you," You said. I just wish our parents weren't such fucking assholes. "How can I fix this?"

"I feel like that part is kinda obvious."

You couldn't help but laugh a little. "Okay, yeah, you're right. Do you wanna come to my place? We can catch up, I can show you my apartment, all that."

Maki smiled at you a little bit, which made your guilt lessen. She could never stay mad at you for long. "I'd like that."

A/N: 2 POSTS IN ONE WEEK??? it's a miracle!! actually, it's my birthday! ( o˘◡˘o) ┌iii┐

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