14┊unprotected hand holding (lol)

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It was a cool day for September, but the sun shone brightly as you and Maki walked to your apartment. Though Maki seemed to be going a little bit back to her old self, talking about her latest romantic endeavor, you definitely weren't. Because you were about to be in deep shit.

What the hell were you going to tell Maki?

You couldn't just be honest with her. Even if you guys were siblings, she was still a Hero. On that account, she couldn't be trusted to keep your new status as a Villain secret. Additionally, that might just completely ruin the relationship you guys were trying to rebuild.

Also, there really wasn't much that was new, besides everything you couldn't tell her. Maybe you would try to be half honest? You met someone at a gas station (who kidnapped you and happened to be a criminal), he introduced you to his friends (your new colleagues from the most dangerous gang in all of Japan), and you were starting to reach for your dreams (ending the world)!!!

Totally. You could say all that. Surely, she wouldn't question how vague you were being.

God, Maki was going to think you'd begun selling drugs or something.

Whatever. You would cross that bridge when you came to it. A bridge that was barely two minutes away.

But when the two of you walked all the way upstairs, you realized there was a different bridge you were going to have to cross. A bridge with rusty nails poking out of it, termite-infested planks of wood, and to top it all off, a river filled with electric eels and piranhas lurking below.

Because there was a person standing outside your door, arms crossed, dressed in all black save for a pair of scuffed red converse. Tomura turned to face you two (black mask on), and for a split second his eyes were as wide as saucers before going back to normal.

"Hey, Saki!" He waved, eyes creasing in what was probably a fake smile. "How are ya? Who's that?"

You smiled, hoping your voice wouldn't sound as shaky as your heart felt. "Hi, Taro. It's been a while. This is my sister, Maki."

"It's nice to meet you!" Maki grinned, putting her hand out for Tomura to shake. Her eyes flickered to yours, a dumb look of excitement on her face. You knew exactly what she was thinking about the whole ordeal, and what's worse was that she was correct. You were, in fact, seeing a boy.

He shook his head and pointed at his mask. "Sorry, I'm a little sick."

"Oh, it's fine!" Maki nodded. "Watcha here for?"

"I wanted to talk to your sister," Tomura replied, scarlet red eyes going to yours. A flutter of something went up your spine, flushing your cheeks warm. "But I can come back later."

"No, no, no," Maki giggled. "I can come back later. You guys do your thing."

You rolled your eyes into next Tuesday. "You sure?"

She was already halfway down the hallway, trying to give you a discreet thumbs-up. "Yep, have fun! See ya!"

You waved, sighing.

"Sorry about that," You said, turning to face Tomura. "Close call."

"Taro? Really?" He scoffed.

"Oh, that's what you're concerned about?"

"It sounds so fake."

"Why are you here, anyway? I thought you still hated me," You joked.

Tomura averted his eyes to the floor. Oh no, had you hit a nerve?


"No, no. I don't fucking care," He replied, looking back at you. "I don't know why I'm here."

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