08┊achievement unlocked: first date!!!!

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"Any games you like in particular?" Shigaraki asked as you guys walked through the streets of the city, him with a black mask on.

"Like currently or of all time?"


You delved into the games you liked currently and the ones that were your favorite of all time, barely stopping to take breaths between sentences. Shigaraki responded in pretty much the same fashion, the two of you building off each other's interests until you were talking about gameplay, music producers, game designers, the recent lack of quality in Triple A games, which systems were better, XBox or PlayStation, and what new games you guys were excited to play once they were out.

You guys walked around for maybe an hour before realizing that the sun was setting and both of you still hadn't chosen a spot to eat.

"Let's just buy some ramen," you said, pointing to a 7-11 up the street.

Shigaraki nodded. "Before we get lost."

You chuckled. It had been a little awkward at first but realizing the two of you both had something in common had broken the ice.

Once the ramen and snacks had been bought, you guys head back to your apartment, picking up where you left off with your conversation.

"Okay, so I'll make the ramen and you set up Call of Duty?" You asked, taking your shoes off.

"Yep," Shigaraki replied, also taking his shoes off. "You know, you should come over to hang out with me and Spinner sometime. We have game nights a lot."

"Maybe," You replied. "I don't wanna intrude or anything."

Or rather, you were pretty sure Spinner hated you and that would be way too awkward. But you kept that part to yourself.

While you heated up the ramen on the stove, Shigaraki set up the PlayStation. As you heard the menu music start up from the living room, you smiled.

"Think you could grab the bowls?" You asked.

"Sure," Shigaraki replied. He walked over and stood next to you, observing you crack two eggs into the simmering pot of ramen. "I don't like eggs in ramen."

"Shit!" You exclaimed. "Wait. You don't like eggs in your ramen? How?"

Shigaraki shrugged.

"Have you even tried it?"


You rolled your eyes. "Try it. Okay? If you don't like it then you can throw it out."

"Why should I?"

"Because I'm making it for you? I already put the egg in. You haven't even had it with ramen, I don't know how you can say you don't like it."

"Ugh, whatever," Shigaraki grumbled. "Where are the bowls?"

"Cabinet to your left," You replied, smiling.

"Oh, so it's funny to you, huh?"

"Yeah. It is."

Shigaraki scoffed, setting down the bowls. "I hope your stupid ramen burns your tongue."

"Oh man, you're soo mean, Shigaraki," You giggled.

"Tomura. Just call me Tomura," He said, turning to you. There was a smile on his face. You hoped the blush you felt wasn't showing.

"Ah! Gotcha," You replied. Thinking back to Toga, you added, "Hmm... what about Shiggy though?"

"Absolutely not. I don't need another person calling me that."

"Noted. Shiggy."

Shiga—Tomura flipped you off, and you giggled again.

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 | t. shigaraki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now