11┊get into it (yuh!)

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Dabi left shortly after you guys got the text. You asked if they all hung out a lot, and he'd said yes. Magne usually had the gatherings at her place, since she owned a house, which she let Toga live in with her. Apparently, Toga would be homeless otherwise.

It was super sweet to you, how they all seemed to be so close to one another. If you were being honest, you'd forgotten what it was like to have friends like that, in any capacity.

The address led you to a rather run-down neighborhood, on the side of town most people were told to avoid at night. There were houses in disarray, paint peeling, lawns unattended, etc.

Magne's house was a smaller two-story house, pale blue siding faded from the weather. One of the windows on the first floor was boarded up, but there were flowers in the windowsills and a couple of potted plants on the porch.

You walked up the stairs, boards creaking with each step of your foot. When you rang the doorbell, it made no noise, so you opted for knocking on the door.

A pair of footsteps could be heard running towards the door, getting louder until the door swung open and Toga met you, a grin on her face.

"Saki's here!" Toga yelled into the house. You'd noticed she'd started to call you that, which you kinda liked as a nickname. It was pretty cute. She turned back to give you a hug. "We were wondering when you'd show up."

"Oh! Did I keep you guys waiting?"

"No, Dabi and Compress still need to show up. But they're usually late anyway," Toga replied. "Come in!"

Toga gestured for you to follow her inside, and you did. The living room was to the left, where Spinner, Tomura, and Twice were lounging around. You received a verbal greeting from only Twice. Spinner and Tomura looked up for maybe half a second and quickly went back to the game they were playing. Magne yelled hello from the kitchen, where you could hear rock music playing.

You turned around to take off your shoes and placed them next to the haphazard pile in front of a closet door. A few feet away was a staircase, and a little further down the hall was the kitchen.

The lights were all yellow bulbed, giving the whole house a soft glow. You were hit with the sense that this was a home, maybe one you belonged to.

You sat down next to Toga and Twice on the floor, surveying the room. The coffee table housed a monopoly game, and behind it was a giant couch, shaped like an L. Maybe nine or ten people could fit on it. How the hell did they get that thing in such a small house? It practically took up almost half the living room.

"1,000; 1,500; 1,600; 1,675--told you! I should have at least eleven more than that," Tomura said, setting his money down. He looked up and his eyes widened when he saw you. "Oh, hey."

You waved, offering a smile that was not returned. Still salty about earlier, then.

Spinner threw down his money. "For the last fucking time, I didn't steal from you! Why would I even steal such a small amount?"

"You're the only one who brought it up."

"Yeah, because you keep accusing me."

"How long have they been at this?" You whispered to Toga.

"Maybe fifteen minutes," She replied, shrugging as if it was just normal. "They get really serious about monopoly."

You nodded. It made sense: they both liked games. No wonder they were competitive.

"Can we just move on?" Twice asked the two. "Fuck, you guys need to shut the fuck up!"

"I agree," Toga said. "This is getting boring!"

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