04┊sure just fake your confidence, it's fine

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The meeting was set for four days from the day you were kidnapped and subsequently accepted into the League. Well, not exactly accepted. Not yet.

What would they think of you? Should you buy weapons? Or would that make you look even weaker? Should you buy some new clothes? Or would that make you seem like a faker? Should you perhaps try to make yourself seem more intimidating? Forget it, you were totally screwed.

These thoughts sprinted through your brain as you paced your small and overpriced living room until finally, you went into your even smaller and equally overpriced bathroom to splash your face with cold water.

You had gotten into the habit of doing that when your thoughts started getting that way. You called it 'spiraling'.

Then, you took a mental inventory of what you definitely and/or probably needed to do v.s. what you definitely did not need to do.

Your list became as follows:

Sharpen or get a new pocket knife

Buy pepper spray

Learn a couple of self-defense tricks

Attempt to gain confidence to be intimidating within 4 days

Most of it was doable. The last part seemed a little iffy, however. You figured you would just try to fake your confidence in yourself until it became real.

The rest quickly came to fruition.

You decided to buy a new pocket knife when you spent all morning tearing your apartment apart before work just to find your original one. Damn Shigaraki. He never gave it back. And you ended up being late for work!

Screw your boss, anyway. The piece of shit never paid you on time and complained of your 'incompetence', even though you completed every task in your job description. Plus more.

The pepper spray was found with the pocket knife, while the self-defense came over the four days. You dedicated an hour each day to learn one trick, plus thirty minutes of review. It was hard, but you got the hang of it quickly thanks to Youtube.

When the day finally came, you were practically shaking.

The address Shigaraki had given you ended up being an old warehouse.

you: i'm here, do i knock or just come in?

(028)-77...: come in, door is unlocked

you: okay thanks:)

You opened the door, hoping to not make too much noise. To your incredible dismay, it made a very, very loud screeching sound. Like, flinch-at-the-noise-because-its-so-loud kind of sound.

The League was near the back, situated around old crates and dust bunnies and the like. They were all there, save the ones who had been arrested at the U.A. Kidnapping.

Shigaraki nodded his head in greeting, then gestured towards the League.

"Everyone. Welcome our newest member," Shigaraki said. He told them your name. "I found Kugisaki a few days ago."

"Kidnapped," you corrected.

"It wasn't like that."

"You chased me and then knocked me out and when—"

"Okay, so we kind of kidnapped you. Either way, you agreed to join us," Shigaraki huffed. "Don't make me regret this."

"They're so cute!" The only girl, Toga Himiko, exclaimed. "Hey, Kugisaki, what's your quirk? I'm dying to know."

You swallowed. This was the part you'd been dreading.

"It's, um, quirk cancellation. Quirks that can affect me don't work on me at all."

"Now I get why Shigaraki had you join," A man, Dabi, said. He scoffed, leaning against one of the crates. "You're probably the only person alive he can touch."

Shigaraki clenched his hands into fists. "It's not that, Ashes. Shut up."

You saw Spinner out of the corner of your eye, rolling his eyes.

"So if I tried using my quirk on you, which should trap you in one of these marbles," Another man whom you recognized as Mr. Compress said. "It wouldn't work at all?"

"Yeah," you said, eager to change the subject. "You can test it out if you want."

"Oh! Can I test your quirk?" Toga asked, eyes going wide. In an instant she was in front of you, a syringe posed in her hand. "I wanna see for myself if your blood really won't work."

There was a crazy grin on her face and a slightly dazed look in her eyes. Toga licked her lips, hands hovering just over your arms.

"Woah, crazy," Shigaraki put an arm out, separating the two of you. The way he said 'crazy' was almost affectionate. Like they were family. "I can show you it works right now. Look."

For a moment Shigaraki hesitated, then grabbed your hand very, very gently. As if he didn't want to break you. As if maybe he was a little afraid.

Nothing happened, of course. But you did notice how nice his hands felt. They weren't too rough nor too soft either. They weren't too hot nor too cold as well.

"Cool!" Toga exclaimed. Then she frowned. You braced yourself, awaiting her comment. "I like them already, but... is their quirk gonna help in battle at all?"

You saw Spinner quickly nod in agreement.

"We already understand each other very well, too," he added on immediately. "But we don't know Kugisaki very well, and they're inexperienced as it is. If they join, they might just drag us down."

Just what the hell was Spinner's problem?

You said nothing. But you were thinking a lot. About how much you wanted to strangle that guy.

And how you agreed with him, too.

Suddenly you became very aware of how quiet the warehouse was, and how everyone was staring at you.

They wanted a response.

You straightened your posture and prepared your voice to sound as clear and confident as possible. Even though all you wanted to do was hide away forever.

"I won't deny any of that, however, I'm a fast learner. I'll do whatever you guys ask or need, I promise," you said. "Not to mention... I haven't even gotten a chance to prove myself yet."

They were all quiet for a moment.

"Kugisaki has a point. How can we decide now when we haven't seen how far they can go?" Twice said. "They're useless! Let's kill them."

"I agree," Toga said. "C'mon, let's give Kugisaki a chance!"

"The rest of you?" Shigaraki asked.

"I'm in favor," Mr. Compress said.

"Whatever," said Spinner.

"Why not?" Magne said, tucking some of her hair behind her ear.

"I don't care," Dabi said. He smirked. "You can have your plaything around, boss."

Plaything??? You felt yourself flush. "H-hey!"

Shigaraki groaned, crossing his arms. "I'll kill you one day, you know that?"

"You know I'm too valuable."

"Fuck you," Shigaraki spat. He turned to you. "Anyway, I guess it's settled. We'll give you one chance to prove yourself."

"But how?" Spinner asked.

"I have something in mind," Twice replied. "Let me tell you guys about this group I found."

A/N: haha yeah i decided to post the next chapter :D anyway i hc that shigaraki and dabi practically never say each others names and instead just come up with as many terrible nicknames as possible lol

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