03┊interlude: shigaraki

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Tomura was fucking ecstatic, to say the least.

He'd barely slept, eaten, or drank water in three days. In the hours after, he called Kurogiri, pacing around his apartment as he talked for almost two hours. Most of it was rambles, trying to justify his excitement, trying to make it seem like the one big reason why he was excited was absolutely not because you weren't affected by his own quirk.

Tomura's emotions were so high, so fresh. It made him sick.

He wasn't exactly accustomed to high levels of positive emotions, especially not for extended periods of time. Tomura felt like he was walking on clouds. Like he could kill everyone in the whole world. Like he could take on the biggest challenger and emerge victoriously.

It made him want to vomit.

It made him want to laugh.

It made him want to punch a hole right through his bedroom wall.

Tomura did all three, in the end. Consequences be damned.

The best part was, you had agreed to join the League. Tomura hadn't even needed to keep you for a long time or try different means of persuasion.

Because you had never had a choice when it came to joining the League. You'd just made it much easier on yourself. You and Tomura were meant to be. You guys were clearly soul mates, just like in so many dating sims he'd played. How could you guys not be, after all?

In his mind, you guys were practically together already.

He'd spend hours running his hands over the pocket knife you'd stabbed him with, still stained with his own blood.

Maybe you could hurt him, but he would never be able to hurt you.

A/N: hiii!!! these interlude chapters are mostly gonna be shorter than regular chapters since they're more to help me get in the head of/flesh out some of the other characters. i feel bad it's so short tho... maybe i'll post the next chapter? i think i will anyway hopefully shigaraki and the others don't end up being OOC ahhHHH

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