02┊yeah okay, what the hell is going on?

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You found yourself waking up in an unfamiliar apartment. Though your eyes were still adjusting to the light, you could make out two people-looking shapes. Behind them, you were pretty sure there was a TV. Next to it was probably a standing lamp, dimly lighting up the room.

You shifted only to find that your feet and hands were bound together by something. It felt like plastic. A tie?

You yawned, staring at the people in front of you, who you could now clearly see.

Then you remembered what had happened only a couple of hours before.

Holy shit.

You tried to scream, but there was a cloth in your mouth preventing you.

"They're awake," said one of the men—Spinner, maybe? You knew you'd heard about him from U.A. kidnapping. His arms were crossed, and there was a scowl on his face.

The whole 'getting chased by Japan's most wanted criminal' thing wasn't some weird dream after all.

The first man you knew for sure now was Shigaraki Tomura. His hood and mask were gone, which you realized was probably to make sure nobody recognized him. It had worked, up until the last few moments.

Just what the hell did they want with you?

You tried to verbalize your question, attempting to gesture your hands in the process only to get a painful reminder that they were tied together.

"What did you want to show me?" Spinner asked, eyes flitting to Shigaraki.

You tried to speak again, but it only came out muffled.

"Right," Shigaraki replied. He walked towards you and sat down. Right to the left of you. Oh no. No. No. No. What the fuck.

Your anxiety kicked into high gear and you froze up. You knew there was no way for you to get out of this. You had no helpful quirk, no physical skills, you were tied up, and it was two against one. You were screwed. So you closed your eyes and braced for whatever was going to happen.

"Come see, Spinner," you heard Shigaraki say. You realized that there was a sort of distinct raspiness to his voice.

Spinner sat down on the other side of you.

"Look," Shigaraki said, and this time, he sounded kind of excited.

A hand touched your back. All five fingers were placed firmly against it. You braced for death. Because that was what was going to happen. He had a decay quirk, you'd looked it up. And now you were going to die.

Nothing happened.

You opened your eyes, shifting them to Shigaraki.

He was grinning.

"Can you believe it? They don't die!"

You looked over to Spinner. His mouth hung open, clearly surprised.

"Maybe it's their quirk?" Spinner suggested. "Hey, you, what's your quirk?"

You stared at him, making a little noise to draw attention to the cloth in your mouth.

"Oh, right the cloth."

Gentle hands touched the cloth, and it disintegrated in seconds.

You stayed quiet, unsure of what to say first.

"Your quirk," Spinner restated.

"Um," Your voice came out scratchy, so you coughed a bit. "It's called quirk cancellation. Any quirk that can affect me doesn't work on me."

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