15┊interlude: shigaraki

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 "Welcome to my evil lair," Tomura joked, closing the door behind you.

You smiled at him, sending butterflies to his stomach. "Lame. Where are all the jars with eyes in them and the scary computer setups?"

"It's a humble evil lair," Tomura corrected. "The jars are in the closet, and the computer setup is really just for gaming."

"Can I see it?" You asked, eyes lighting up. "I've been saving up for one."

Tomura jerked his head in a "follow me" motion and turned around. "You building it or just buying one?"


"That's what I did with mine."

Just before the two of you reached his room, Tomura remembered something. He'd cleaned up his room (well, mostly), but there was one thing he'd forgotten about. The hole he'd punched in the wall. Fuck, how was he going to explain that one?

Whatever. He opened the door.

Tomura's room was simple: just a bed and a desk, plus a closet. There were lots of posters up everywhere, plus a little spot on the desk for figurines he'd collected over the years. A couple of clothing piles remained on the floor, but for the most part, the bedroom was much cleaner than it'd ever been in a long time.

"Nice!" You exclaimed, running over to his desk. You hadn't yet noticed the hole, which was kind of surprising, because it was right next to the closet. "I like your figurines."

"Thanks," He replied. Most of them were from anime, video games, Vocaloid, etc.

"Holy shit! Is that an actual red riding hood Miku?"


"I thought they stopped making them like, ten years ago."

Tomura felt a little prideful. "Well, I have my connections."

"You should tell your connections to get me a senbonzakura Miku."

"Maybe," Tomura laughed. He made a mental note to figure out a way to make that happen. Originally he'd gotten a lot of the rarer figurines through one of All for One's friends, but since he was gone, Tomura would have to find a way himself. The thought annoyed Tomura, so he cast it off. All for One had been like a teacher to him, almost a father, and now he was arrested...

"Tomura, you okay?" You asked, a quizzical look on your face. "You're spacing out."

"Just... thinking about someone."

"Who? Er, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"An old teacher."


"He kind of raised me, since I... I was—he found me on the streets," The memories were very blurry. It was making Tomura nauseous to think back that early in his life, so close to what he couldn't remember. "But he's gone now. Arrested."

"I'm so sorry, Tomura," You said.

And then you hugged him.

Tomura didn't register it at first, but then it all came at once. Your arms wrapped around him, hands gently on his back, warmth of your body heat against his own, the saccharine sweet smell of your shampoo filling his lungs, your head resting against his shoulder. Slowly, he lifted his arms up to return the hug, wondering if maybe this was all one very long, very wonderful dream.

You pulled away too quickly for Tomura's taste. "I'm sure that if he got out of jail, he'd be really proud of you and what you plan to do."

"Ma—maybe," Tomura replied, unable to think of anything else to say. His mind was still stuck on what had just happened.

Your eyes caught on something behind him. Tomura turned to see what it was.

"Is that my pocket knife?" You asked slowly. It was, and it was laying on Tomura's bed, in plain sight. Shit.

"Uh, no."

"Liar! The handle has a little jewel in it," You went over to grab it, but Tomura caught your hand, pulling you back. "Dude, it's mine!"

"Can't you just get a new one?" Tomura asked. "I like yours."

A half-lie. Tomura liked the knife because it reminded him of you, but he would never say that to your face.

"Go get a new one yourself," You huffed, freeing your hand from his grasp. You went to grab the knife.

Tomura stepped right behind you. "Make me."

You turned to face him, mouth agape for just a second. "I—uh. Make you?"

He nodded. Fuck, you were so cute flustered. Tomura wanted to step just a little bit closer, wanted to lean in just a little bit more.

Neither of you said anything for a second. Your feet seemed to involuntarily inch closer to him. Tomura could hear his own heart beating erratically in his chest.

But then you turned away and went towards the door. "Let's go play a board game or something. Do you have Uno? I love Uno."

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